・˚:⋆*Hannibal Lecter・˚:⋆*

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~Your POV~

At first, Dr. Lecter was introduced to me and Clarice as an assignment. Now, to me, he's a lifeline.

"Thanks, Barney," I smiled at the man as he buzzed open the door to the patients in the asylum. "Be careful, Y/n." I nodded my head, still smiling, before walking through the dimly lit hall. Instead of walls, there was glass, with killers behind them, almost as if they were on display.

When I got to the end of the hall, I sat down in the chair that I normally would and looked up.

"Hello, Y/n," Hannibal greeted me.

"Hi, Dr. Lecter. I got you something." I discreetly pulled a small brown sack from my bag, sat up, and leaned forward, pulling open the box where we pass things to each other. I pushed it forward, and immediately he reached for the bag.

He held it up to the air and sniffed it. "You've got me a mans liver? Fresh?" "We got a person in this morning. He was shot. I pulled out his liver.."

"Thank you, Y/n. Now, tell me, what's on your mind?" "Well.." I sat back down in the chair, leaning back, just as he sat down on his bed. "I don't have anything to live for."

"That's what I've been told to me by those in this rugged facility. But they're the ones that don't have anything to live for. I could eat them alive and be doing them a favor. But you, Y/n, have everything to live for."

"Thanks.." I smiled a little. This was why I needed Hannibal. And, yeah, I would be despised by nearly everyone in the academy for using a cannibalistic killer as my therapist, but I did need him.

I looked at him as he started unwrapping the sack that held the liver, before looking around his 'room.' "New drawing?" I asked, referring to the newly plastered paper on the wall.

I couldn't tell who it was in the drawing from the distance, but knew he would pass it to me to look at.

"Yes." He sat up from his bed, walked over to the drawing, and carefully took it from the wall. He then walked over to the box, set it in, and slammed it forward.

I sat up from my chair again to retrieve the drawing. "Wow," I mumbled, as I held it in my hands.

On the paper was my face, sketched in charcoal. Around it were detailed flowers, roses. "This is beautiful..how long did it take?" "Not long."

"Have we really seen each other that much? For you to know my face down to every detail?" I looked up from the drawing. "People will say we're in love."

He shook his head, "the FBI Trainee and the cannibal, what a match." I laughed a little uneasily, before setting the drawing back into the box and giving it to him.

As soon as he retrieved it, a few beeps came from my bag. I stuck my hand into it, digging around for the device.

Once I got a hold of it, I held the pager up in front of me, pressing the play button. "There's a new assignment waiting for you and Clarice, come up as soon as you can."

"Going so soon?" I looked up at Hannibal. "I have to. You know how Crawford is." "Come back soon," he said, as I started gathering my things, "goodbye, Y/n."

"Goodbye, Dr. Lecter."


Okay. This was highkey really bad, but I kinda liked it. By the way, there will be a part 2 to the ghostface imagineee and it'll come after the next chapter. ALSO please request some imagines, I'm veryyyy low on ideas. Buuuut I hope you have a great day/night, bye <3

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