・˚:⋆* Ghostface・˚:⋆*

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~Your POV~

I'd been at the party not even twenty minutes, but Tatum had already wandered off somewhere. I shook my head as I slowly sipped the "punch" from the solo cup I held.

I didn't even want to be here, it was Tatum's way of her "officially never getting back with Stu." Which just so happened to take place at a Halloween party. I laughed at the thought, but stopped when my phone started buzzing in my back pocket. I took it out and looked at the screen.

Unknown Number.

I accepted the call and held the phone to my ear, regardless of not knowing who it was. Anything would be better than standing alone in a room full of people.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello. Who is this?" The voice of the man talking was deep and raspy, kind of..hot.

"Well you called, didn't you?" I laughed, shaking my head. "It must be the wrong number, I'm sorry." "Don't be, it happens." "Would you mind talking for a little, though?" He asked, genuine feeling lining his voice.

"No, I don't mind." "Can I ask a question?" "Sure." "What's your favorite scary movie?" I paused to think about it. "Umm..The Texas ChainSaw Massacre." "That's the one with Leatherface, right?" "Yeah. Mind if I ask yours?" "Guess.."

I thought again, before answering with Candyman. "I like that movie," he said. "I like it too, it's good."

"Scary night, isn't it? Never know who might be under the mask." My mind grew tense, sensing something more sinister at this. "I guess.." "Are you at a party?" Again, tense. "No." "Then what's all of that noise?" "The TV." "Are you sure? That you're not at some costume party with your friend that left you stranded around twenty minutes ago?" I breathed in slowly.

My eyes quickly darted across the room. Every person was wearing some type of mask, some of famous horror characters, like Michael and Jason. As I looked carefully, there was only one person holding up a phone, and they were staring right at me. I hung up the phone quickly, sliding it into my back pocket.

The mask they were wearing looked like a screaming ghost, the eyes and mouth hollowed out with black. The cloak was black, too, with pieces hanging from the arms.

I tried to go unnoticed as I backed away from the crowd, the person with the ghost mask looking away from my direction. I stealthily walked up the stairs. When I got to the top, I watched a couple walk from the bathroom, both of them looking a mess. I shook my head before walking into the bathroom as they went down the stairs, locking the door behind me.

When I leaned my back against the door, I felt buzzing come from my pocket. Hesitantly, I grabbed my phone.

Unknown Number.

I answered it. Maybe it's just Tatum, she could've lost her phone?

I became doubtful at the sound of the mans voice again. "What're you gonna do in there?" He asked. "What do you want?" I asked, letting my mind wander as I thought of the intentions he might have.

"To see what your insides look like."

I shook my head, hanging up the phone immediately. I should get back to the party, I can't get hurt with so many people surrounding me.

I pressed my face against the door, listening for anything. When I heard nothing, I unlocked the door and opened it quietly, standing in the frame as I looked from side to side.

I looked down the rest of the hall to my right, again seeing nothing. "Grea-" I gloved hand reached over my mouth, pulling me back from that. My feet fell back to the heel as I was dragged backwards by the person.

I started kicking my legs violently, but that didn't faze who had their hands on me. "Help!" I shouted, but it was muffled by the glove. I felt their grip tighten around my stomach.

When I looked ahead of me, another person in the costume was waking in front of me. They bent down to reach for my legs. I kept kicking, until I hit them in the face, which by then, I'd already been taken into another room.

They grabbed onto the mask, holding it tight against their nose. They still followed, shutting and locking the door to the room I was taken in.

I looked to my side to see two girls in bed with each other, having at it. They stopped when they saw us all, one holding the white sheets over their chest.

"What are you doing in here-" The girl was cut off by the figure that wasn't holding me. They slashed her throat without a second thought, now staining the sheets with red. The other girl screamed, trying to scramble from the bed, but got her throat cut too as she tried to run. Her body flopped back on the bed, her hands grabbing at her cut neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but it didn't do any good.

After the second girl stopped moving, my body fell to the floor. I looked up at the two figures, them looking back down at me. A few seconds later, both of them slid off their masks.

"Buh-Billy, Stu?" I questioned, looking at them both in confusion as my voice shook lightly. "Why- Why'd you kill them?" I looked back at the two girls. They laid at each other's sides on top of the mess of sheets, naked and bloody.

"Why not?" Billy asked, scratching his head with a knife. Stu bent down to look at me, laughing. "You should've seen your face, fucking hilarious." He took his knife and dragged it up my body, cutting through my shirt and stopping it at my throat. Billy bent down, too, until he picked me up, sliding his hands under my arms.

He pulled me back from Stu's knife, but let me down on the bed between the two girls. I cringed as I felt their blood all over me. "What're you doing?" I asked, my voice now shaking violently. "You shouldn't've rejected us, Y/n." Billy cocked a brow, smiling. "Now we have to kill you," Stu added, walking towards me, a goofy smile on his face.

Stu and Billy both looked at each other, exchanging a sinister glance. "And we're going to make it hurt. We'll kill you like we killed Tatum."

"Tae..Tatum?" I breathed out. "She was the one thing in the way, wasn't she?" Stu said. "You two juh-just broke up, I-" "If there's nothing in the way..there's no reason to say no," he stated. "Unless you want to die. And I'll be honest, Y/n, I don't want to kill you. I think you're hot." Billy glared at him intensely, before turning back to me.

"If you don't say yes..we'll have to kill you.." Billy took his knife and ripped my shirt even more, revealing my now half covered chest to them. He then slowly slid it down to my stomach, goosebumps now flooding me. He looked me in the eye as he pressed the tip of the blade down.

"Billy.." I breathed out slowly, looking up at him with fear in my eyes. "Yes."

He looked at me before drawing the knife back, Stu doing the same.

"Now let's go," Billy said as they backed away from the bed.


This is one of the things I had planned for this month and I'm happy I can publish itttt cause I mean who doesn't love billy and stu am I right ? ALSO I didn't want y/n to seem kinda bitchy in a way ? But Stu and Tatum just broke up and Sid got killed so Y/n does like them both but it would be tragic to her. Anyways..I hope you have a great day/night <3

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