・˚:⋆* Billy Loomis・˚:⋆*

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~Your POV~

There was nothing that Valentine's Day couldn't conjure. Stu spent the whole day treating Tatum with every dime-store gimmick he could pull off, Randy even showered Sidney with kisses every change he got and slipped her a few gifts every hour.

It was only I that was left at home, lounging around the living room and watching horror movies that seemed fitting for the occasion. Earlier, it was My Bloody Valentine, and now it's Candyman that filled the black void of the room.

I didn't have a single clue of where Billy was, but Stu left Tatum a few hours ago, too. They were probably out searching for their next victims, but who knows what they might be up to.

It's not like I was really expecting to receive anything from Billy, but the least he could do is stop by or give me a call.

Just at the thought, the phone started ringing on the table across from me. I stretched my arm to pick it up with no hesitation, recognizing the voice almost immediately as I answered.

"Hello, Y/n." He uses the voice modulator in almost every call. "Billy, hey," I answered, shaking off my thoughts from before and taking a quick glance back to the TV.

"Open the door," He said. I took no time before jumping off the couch and heading to the door, opening it to see Billy, his white shirt blood-soaked and holding something behind his back.

As he stepped in, I saw Stu's car pull away from the sidewalk and start down the street. "So, where've you been?" I asked him, nodding at the red splotches on his shirt. "Getting something for you." From behind his back, he pulled out a box wrapped with in silk ribbon. He held it in front of him with an anticipated and demeaning smile drawing itself across his lips.

The only thing lighting up the room was the TV, which sounded a few screams as he passed me the box. "Open it." Billy shook his head, shifting the hair that hung in his eyes so he could see better.

I pulled back the ribbon and opened the box, only to see the best possible thing he could've gotten. "Wow," I mumbled, looking the gift over and even blinking to be sure I wasn't imagining it.

The inside of the box was stained just like Billy's shirt, and the distant thumping of the heart seemed to grow louder as I looked up to Billy. "It's beautiful," I told him, leaning in to him as I touched the heart.

It felt like goo strung over some unknown thing, feeling exactly like it looked.

"I love you." I could feel what bit of blood he had left on his hands wash over my skin as he raised his fingers to trace them along my jaw. "I love you too," I assured him, holding the box to my side as he wrapped an arm around me.


This could've been written a lot better, but the idea is well enough. And yeahhh I'm like basically two weeks late for Valentine's Day, but I still wanted to write it. And I'm still working on some requests, so I might publish a few short things in the meantime. But I hope you have a great day/nighttttt, bye <3

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