・˚:⋆* Jigsaw・˚:⋆*

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~Nobody's POV~

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~Nobody's POV~

It wasn't until the sound of the screams amplified that Y/n woke up, after everyone they had already shed their bit of blood to the aggressively spinning blades.

"Get up! Get up!" One of the women shouted as she was being dragged by her chain to the other room. "It wants blood!" Her voice faded away as she was pulled along with everybody else, who were all caught in a panic with no effort of helping one another.

~Your POV~

A buzzing sound and dying screams filled my ears as my eyes opened, revealing me to what was happening.

I felt around my head, but only felt cold metal on my hands. My full view was blocked by a dark shield.

I looked forward and saw a wall full of razor blades spinning quickly, and my body was being pulled toward them by a large chain. I scrambled to my feet the best I could, using my hands as leverage to get up from the floor, which was cold like what was on my head.

By then, I could see that whoever was around me was no longer here and I was left alone with the buzz of the blades. I inhaled sharply as the chained pulled me closer to the door.

The blades hit my back like a ton of razors scraping at the skin.

~Unknown POV~

I ran into the room after hearing the shallow screams of the final person that was left in it. I quickly shut down their chain by the press of a button and released their head of both it and the bucket.

It was my mistake.

I pulled them away from the wall slowly, and quickly peered over their back. There were five large gashes with blood oozing from them.

When I was done dragging them from the room, I took them into where I watch and set them down on their chests on the large table in the center and grabbed towels from another table. As I set the towels on their back, they stained red.

~Time Skip<Your POV~

My eyes opened with a burn, flooding with tears. A small light was positioned above me.

"Hello, Y/n." I heard from beside me and I slowly lifted my head and looked to the side. I saw an older man sitting in a chair, wearing a black and red cloak with a terrifying pig mask at his side.

"Huh-How do you know my name?" His head perked up, "You're not even going to ask who I am, or where you are?"

I looked around me, seeing that I had absolutely no clue as to where I was. "Who are you, then? And where am I?" "I'm John, you're in my..office." "What was that? The room?" I asked, as I remember where I was before.

The blades hit my back..

"That was a mistake. I'm sorry that you were in there."

They hit me like a ton of razors scraping at the skin..

I sat up quickly and felt around my back with my hands as I realized it. It felt..weird. Small ridges across my skin.

"You should lie down. Get some rest." "Get some rest? You did this to me, asshole!" "It was an accident. And I'm sure we'll grow fond of each other, you just need to sleep first." As much as the anger grew in my chest, the burning in my eyes worked faster.

I hesitantly laid back down, looking at the man one last time before my eyes shut.


Dude. I don't fucking know. I'm sorry for not updating, so I whipped this up (regardless of if it's shitty or not). And I'm not sure how often I'll be updating either, cause I'm feeling a little, well, yk. Anyways, I hope you have a great day/night <3

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