・˚:⋆* Norman Bates・˚:⋆*

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~Your POV~

I pulled into the parking lot of the motel I'd spotted only a minute ago. There was a large neon sign placed beside the road that stood out in the darkness, reading Bates Motel in the thin blue light, along with a large house with a few lights turned on.

After shutting off the car, I hopped out with my bag in hand and walked up to the office, where warm lighting was hiding behind the blinds. I stepped in, exposing myself to the warmth of the room.

As I walked up to the front desk, I noticed a small dish filled to the brim with Kandy Korn. I took a few pieces and popped them into my mouth, just as someone walked in from behind me. I watched the man walk behind the desk, smiling brightly. His hair was a dark brown, his skin only kind of tan, and he was dressed in a dark sweater and peachy-colored pants.

"Sorry for the wait, I was just making supper when I saw your car," he said. "I haven't been here long," I replied, still chewing on the candy. "Well I'm Norman Bates." He took a piece of the candy for himself, before pulling a book from the counter beneath him.

"Would you like a room?" Norman asked. "Yeah, how much?" "Five dollars," he looked unsure but still held his smile. "Alright," I reached into my bag to pull out the money, handing it to him. He took it and set a pen down next to the book, "name and address."

I took it and signed my name on one of the lines, noticing there hadn't been a check-in for months. I set the pen back down before looking back up at Norman, who was now holding one of the room keys. "Closest to the office, in case you need anything." I took the key from him, simply nodding my head, before exiting the office.

When I did, I looked back to see the house at the top of the hill with more lights on in the windows than there were before, with the silhouette of a woman in one. "Is that your wife?" I looked at Norman, seeing he just walked out behind me.

"Nuh-no, the-tha-that's Mother. My-My mother," he spoke, stuttering like crazy. "Oh, you two live together?" "I don't see why that would be such a big deal, she needs care. Well, that, and a boys best friend is his mother." He was quick to become defensive, speaking more intensely.

"Say.." I smiled, "do you have any more of that Kandy Korn?" He nodded his head quickly. "I bought a couple bags just today, should I bring one down for you?" "Sure."

Before anything else could be said, he was walking back up to his house, sprinting actually. I laughed a little, before walking to my car. I opened up the backseat, grabbing my suitcase, then closing it again. After that, I walked up to room one, inserting the into lock and opening the door.

I walked in, setting everything down, before turning on a lamp that was next to the door on a desk. I looked around, seeing pictures and paintings of birds scattered across the creamy walls, even a stuffed one sitting on a dresser next to the bathroom.

A few seconds later, I heard a knock on the door and opened it, seeing Norman was back with a small bag in his hands. I smiled, pulling the door open more to let him in.

"Do you like these?" He asked, referring to the bag as he stepped in. I simply nodded my head and shut the door behind him, so no bugs could get in. "They're my favorite. Mothers too, though she doesn't like me eating too many sweets. And mothers knows best, it's just, they're delicious," he laughed, flashing his pearly teeth.

~Time Skip~

After me and Norman devoured the whole bag of candy, he went back up to be with his mother and to let me get some rest.

I stepped into the bathroom, flicking on the light. I turned on the faucet and wet my toothbrush, then spreading the paste over it. I opened my mouth and started brushing, the foam building up soon after.

As I spat out the foam, I heard something coming from the room. I set my toothbrush down on the sink, before stepping out of the bathroom. Right as I did, Norman pushed me, my back landing against the edge of the bathtub.

He was dressed in an old, grey dress with a grey wig sitting on his head. "Norman?" I asked, and all he did was stand there for a second, as he slowly pulled his arm up from behind his back and I saw the knife.

"I'm Norma Bates!" He yelled, his voice higher than what it had been before. "Oh, my god," I mumbled. Not even a second later, he charged at me with the knife still in hand and raised it up. When he reached me, I dodged his attack, this time letting him hit the tub.

I fled from the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I looked around the room, before spotting the chair that sat at the writing desk. I ran to grab it and hauled it back to the door, where I propped it directly under the knob.

It started moving crazily, jerking from side to side. "Nuh-Norman?!" I called out his name, honestly hoping there was some way to bring him back down. After I did, the knob stopped moving around. I looked at the door suspiciously, slowly inching my head towards it.

"Norman?" I called out again, and the tip of a knife burst through the wood of the door, making me fall back in fear.

Nothing happed for another minute, until I heard Norman yelling. "Y/n? Y/n! Are you okay?! Muh-Mother, shuh-she doesn't lie-like me being around girls like you! I didn't wuh-want her to hurt you! Where are you?!" This was all in his normal voice, and his fists were now banging against the door.

Hesitantly, I got up from the floor, moving to the door. I moved the chair aside and twisted the knob, opening the door to a worried-looking Norman, no dress and no wig this time.

"Norman?" He looked down at me, his eyes soft. "I'm so sorry, Y/n."


Not a good place to end it, sure, but I needed to update this. Like but like yo yo request imagines bc im already running dry of ideas..anyways, I hope you have a great day/night, bye

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