・˚:⋆*Hannibal Lecter・˚:⋆*

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~Your POV~

As I entered the dining room, Hannibal and his colleagues all sat around the centerpiece, staring at it hungrily across the white cloth. Their hands were trembling, the silverware they held clinking together restlessly.

Their dinner..Will Graham.

His body laid limp on the table cloth, his skin stained heavily in red and his cold eyes bloodshot and opened widely, his mouth the same with an apple holding it open- he looked like one of those roasted pigs.

I took a step back to begin my runaway, but I knocked into a cabinet where a jar fell off and smashed on the floor, the glass shards spread all across the room, pieces of it jammed into the faces of the dinner guests.

Their heads cocked to the side at the noise and stared at me violently, the same look of hunger lingering, the way they saw Graham.

"Feed, my darlings," Hannibal spoke loudly, turning down his head as he looked at me, resembling Norman Bates more than I would've liked.

The people leapt from the chairs on cue, spilling out of them with their forks and knives held in front of them.

They lunged at me quicker than I could react, pulling at my clothes and hair, and ripping me to pieces.

Their hungry mouths bit down on my flesh, mainly on my arms, as I screamed for Hannibal to save me.

"Y/n!" He shouted.


I screamed as their hands grabbed onto me, but when I opened my eyes, I saw that it was only Hannibal holding onto my arms as I thrashed around the bed.

I stopped almost immediately, staring down at the mess of sheets in a daze as Hannibal continued to touch me so I could grasp onto what was really happening.

"You just had a bad dream.." He spoke softly, rubbing my shoulders gently. "Would you like some tea?" I shook my head no and fell back onto the bed, his arms still held around me.

"It's alright," he cooed, which was only the first of many things he said to calm me, right up until my eyes shut, and maybe after that too.


I know this is super short and everything buuuut I like it- I like it. But anyways- I hope you have a great day/night and that you enjoyed, bye <3

ALSO , just for reference, would you guys read an AHS related book ?

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