・˚:⋆* Leatherface・˚:⋆*

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REQUESTED BY: Edd_creator_of_cola

~Your POV~

I sat looking at the gravestone, my hands fiddling with the bright grass around it. Apparently there'd been some grave robberies going on here, the same cemetery my grandfather was buried in.

"You a'right over there?" A man shouted from afar.

He led me to the spot about ten minutes ago, but he was still walking back to his friends. When I stuck my hand up and waved to let him know I'm alright he walked further down the path of dead grass.

I breathed in slowly, taking in the air that almost smelled like the dead..what?

I let go of the grass and stood up, looking around me in circles. There was a large pile of leaves sitting close to a line of trees, where voices were coming from.

~No One's POV~

"Look, Bubba's got 'imself a girlfriend," Nubbins joked, punching Bubba's shoulder hard enough for him to let out a loud wail. "Shut up, she'll hear us." "Shut up, Chop Top," Nubbins mocked his name, throwing his hands about as he did.

As the two bickered, Bubba stayed crouched behind the tree next to them, staring out into the field of the dead.

His eyes sparkled as he watched her, walking around aimlessly and staring out at the trees each of the brothers were in. Almost as if it were love at first sight, he wanted to take her home and fancy her with a nice meal and make her his own.

He wailed again, hitting his hand against Nubbins' thigh a few times before catching his attention. He pointed at the girl, waving his hand around intensely as he did so.

"You want us ter get 'er for ya?" Nubbins asked excitedly, the birthmark on his cheek scrunching as he flashed his half-smile.

Bubba nodded his head quickly, and Nubbins and Chop Top exchanged a quick glance before hustling out of the woods.

~Your POV~

As I stepped closer to pile of leaves that reeked of what I was smelling, there were two men running from the trees in my direction.

Before I could turn and shout for the guy that led me here, their hands were clasped around me, holding back my hands and covering my mouth. Their hand tasted of dirt, sweat, and blood all mixed together.

I kicked my feet along the grass as they dragged me towards the woods, my head turning back to see nobody who could come to my rescue.

Running out from behind the tree was another man..I think. His face was patchy and stitched together, like it wasn't even his. A big branch was in his hands, he held them above his head and the branch swung down..

~Time Skip~

My eyes opened to a faint light sitting overhead a large table, which had on it a white cloth, two plates of food (that look delicious), and a glass vase that held dead roses, a few of the purple-brown leaves sprawled next to it.

I looked down to see my hands were tied to a chair and there was a cup of water right next to them. I picked it up the best I could and lowered my head to drink from it.

The cold soothed my throat as I drank it, which must've sparked someone's attention because the two men from before came waltzing into the room, holding bulky white candles.

"You're not supposed ter be awake yet," one of them said, afterwards scratching the top of their heads with a coat hanger.

"I think we should uh get'er again, b'fore Bubba sees," the other said, holding his hands to his stomach almost hungrily as he spoke, his eyes watching me carefully, like I were an animal trying to escape from my pin.

My eyes wandered from them to around the room. Everything about it was old, but something about it was new, like it'd been freshly decorated with something.

I heard a soft cry come from somewhere around me as the same guy that hit me came trudging from the doorway to another room.

His suit tie swung as he dashed past me to the others and grabbed the candles from their hands, setting them across the table in front of me and lighting them with a small lighter that was stained in red.

My body tensed up as I remembered him and the branch.. But as he came around the table again, he kneeled down on one knee and grabbed onto my hand, kissing it gently as he watched my face curiously.

"Thuh-Thank you," I stumbled, heat rushing to my cheeks after he pulled away.

"I think she forgot we kidnapped her," the guy with the coat hanger whispered. "Bubba's got a girlfriend, Bubba's got a girlfriend, Bubba's got a girlfriend!" The other jumped around excitedly, clapping his hands as he ran in circles around me and..Bubba?

"Bubba.." I said, just to make sure, and he nodded his head happily as he stood up.

It wasn't until then that I noticed his face..which had changed from earlier? His skin was pale with blue eyeshadow over his eyes and a bright pink dusted across his cheeks..but he was wearing someone else's face.

I think he saw me tense up again, though, because he grabbed onto my hand again and gave it a reassuring squeeze to show me he didn't mean any harm.


Alright- if you don't think Bubba's the hopeless romantic type, fuck off. But like I hope you enjoyed and that you have a great day/night, bye <3
ALSO I was waiting for a leatherface update to show you guys the mask I got- I'm in love

 But like I hope you enjoyed and that you have a great day/night, bye <3ALSO I was waiting for a leatherface update to show you guys the mask I got- I'm in love

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