・˚:⋆* Hannibal Lecter・˚:⋆*

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REQUESTED BY: Edd_creator_of_cola

~Your POV~

"He's past the others, the last cell on the right," the man said, before shutting the barred door, startling me a little. "I put out a chair for you," he added on, and I nodded my head and said my thank you. He looked behind himself for a second, at the monitor, and then turned his head back. "I'll be watching. You'll do fine." I nodded my head again, before he pushed down on a button and the second barred door in front of me slid open.

As I began walking, I thought back to what had been said earlier, about me being just some distraction to Lecter.

"Hi," a deep voice said, coming from a man to my left, that had his whole body pressed against the bars of his cell. I ignored it and kept walking, only taking small looks into each of the cells. The next one had a man quiet and sitting, his head down. And after that, one that was using the bars to scale across them, like a monkey.

"I can smell your cunt," he hissed, sounding almost like a snake. I ignored that too, and kept walking, to the last cell where the chair sat before it.

It was different from the others, this one made of old metal and glass, more containing than the others. As I got in front of it, I could see the man who I was supposed to talk to standing in the middle of the small, confined space, peering out of it.

"Morning," he smiled. "Dr. Lecter, my name is Y/n L/n. May I speak with you?" I introduced myself, and all he did was continue to smile. "You're one of Jack Crawford's, aren't you?" "I am, yes." "May I see your credentials?" He asked, and I reached into my jacket pocket to pull out the fold, opening it for him to see.

"Closer, please." He said, and I extended my arm. "Closer," he repeated, a sly smirk on his lips. I breathed in as I took a few steps forward to the glass, him doing the same. He leaned forward a little more to get a close look. "That expires in one week. You're not real FBI, are you?" "Well, I'm still in training at the academy." I answered, pulling down the fold and stuffing it back into my pocket.

"Jack Crawford sent a trainee to me?" He asked, his look much more grim, almost as if he'd been shocked by the idea. "Yes, I'm a student, and I'm here to learn from you. Maybe you can decide for yourself whether or not I'm qualified enough to do that."

"Mmm," he hummed. "That is rather slippery of you, agent L/n." Only a second later, he spoke up again, "Sit, please." I nodded my head and stepped backwards to sit back in the chair.

"Now then, tell me. What did Miggs say to you? Multiple Miggs, in the next cell, he hissed at you. What did he say?" He said, becoming oddly specific. I breathed in as I readied myself to answer. "He said...He said I can smell your cunt." "I see.." He started. "I myself cannot." He lifted his head, smelling the air close to the few small holes in the glass. After a moment, he stopped and put his head back down. "You use Evion skin cream." His head went up again, "Sometimes you wear Lattertone, but not today."

I decided to completely ignore him, instead looking past him to look at the walls, where few drawings were hung, with a few more sitting on a table. "Did you do all of those drawings yourself, doctor?" "Ah.." Hannibal turned around to one of the drawings. "That is the Duomo, seen from the Belvedere. You know Florence?" "All that detail just from memory, sir?" I asked, seeing his work was impressive, every detail touched.

"Memory, Agent L/n, is what I have instead of a view." Just then, I remembered what it was I needed to be doing here, I needed him to answer certain questions. I dipped my hand into my bag, pulling out the form. "Well, perhaps you'd care to lend us your view on this questionnare." I said, hoping piecing that together might be good enough for his responses.

"Oh, no, no, no, no..you were doing fine, you had been courteous and receptive to courtesy. You had established trust with the embarrassing truth about Miggs, and now this ham-handed segue into your questionnare. It won't do." He shook his head slightly and I sighed. "I'm only asking you to look at this, Doctor. Either you will or you won't."

"Yeah. Jack Crawford must be very busy indeed, if he is recruiting help from the student body. Is he hunting that new one, Buffalo Bill? What a naughty boy, he. Do you know why he's called Buffalo Bill? Please, tell me. The newspapers won't say." "It started as a bad joke in Kansas City homicide, and they said this one likes to skin his humps." "What do you think he removes their skins for, agent L/n, throw me with your acumen?"

I thought of it for a few seconds, before answering. "It excites him..most serial killers keep a sort of trophy from their victims." "I didn't," he said. "No, you ate yours," I replied, and he came to a shortage of words. "You send that through now," he said, looking at the papers. I sat up from the chair and walked to the small box, first pulling it towards me, then pushing it away after setting it in and sitting back in the chair.

After he grabbed it, he stood leaning against the glass, before looking at me and licking his finger, then using it to piece through the papers. After a few seconds, he looked up from it. "Oh, agent L/n, you think you can dissect me with this bland little tool?" He asked.

"No, I thought that-" "You're so ambitious, aren't you? You know what you look like to me with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a robe." He continued to describe it. "But you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you, agent L/n? And that accent you've tried to desperately to shed, pure West Virginia."

He again continued to describe everything, until stopping with short words. And the thing is, every bit of it was true. "You see a lot, doctor," I said, "but are you strong enough to point that high-powered perception at yourself? What about it, why don't you look at yourself and write down what you see?" I took a pause, "or maybe you're afraid to."

There was a moment of silence between us, as Lecter put the questionnaire back into the metal box and pushed it forward to my side. When he walked away from it, he again stood and stared at me.

"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some favs beans and a nice Chianti." He made a slippery noise with his mouth, connecting his teeth with his tongue. When he stopped, he looked me over. "You fly back to school now, little L/n."

I didn't say anything more and just stood from the chair and started walking down the space.

As I did, I turned to look at Miggs' cell, and saw him laying naked in his bed. His head flashed upwards, looking at me, before he flung something at me. It landed in my hair and close to my eye. I gagged as I realized what it was, using my fingers to get it off of me.

"Miggs, you stupid fuck!" The man from the first cell yelled, as Miggs wrestled around in his bed.

"Agent L/n!" I heard and ran back to Lecter's cell. When I got to the glass, I was closer than I should be to it, as was he, but completely ignored it as he started talking.

"I would not have had that happened to you, his discourtesy is unspeakably ugly to me." "Then do this test for me!" I yelled. "No, but I will make you happy, I'll give you a chance for what you love most." "Yeah, what is that, Doc?" "Advancement, of course. Listen carefully. Look deeply within yourself, Y/n L/n. Go seek out Miss Moffet, an old patient of mine. M-O-F-E-T. Go now, I don't think Miggs could manage again so soon, even though he is crazy. Go, now!"

I followed his instruction and walked quickly down the hall, keeping my distance from the patients this time.


I would like to apologize for not updating so often, but I'm working on it. School's kicking my ass and I'm lacking any motivation, but I'm gonna try to update a lot this month..cause it's spooky season. I'm also writing a part 2 to the Michael imagine so be readyyyyyyy. But I hope you guys have a great day/night, bye <3

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