・˚:⋆* Leatherface・˚:⋆*

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~Your POV~

The drive from Missouri to Texas has been exhausting, especially with the nonstop bickering between Sally and Franklin. And yeah, we were all on the road because of them, but shit, were the two being annoying as hell.

We'd even came across some crazy psychotic hitchhiker who used a knife of his to slice open his hand. And what was worse was that I was the one who suggested we pick him up and drive him to his destination.

All of us were now stopped at Sally and Franklin's relatives old home after stopping for some food. The house was now close to destruction and covered in green.

"C'mon, Franklin," I said after placing down the two boards we've been using the whole trip to get Franklin in and out of Jerry's van. "Thanks, Y/n, means a lot." Everyone else had already wandered off to the house, leaving us two alone to keep each other company.

When I helped Franklin out of the van, I put the boards back and slammed the side door shut. "Y/n, what's that?" He asked me, turning his wheelchair around so he could get a better look at the van. I looked at it too, wondering what he was talking about until I saw it.  "Oh, shit."

There was blood smeared across the metal. "That's his blood.." The Hitchhiker. "We'll clean it off later, okay? Let's just..get inside." I turned Franklin's wheelchair back around and started walking and pushing him through the overgrown yard.

Right as we got to the front door, Pam and Kirk showed up in the doorway. "Hey, didn't you say there was a swimming hole around here?" Kirk asked us, Pam clinging on to him. "It's right down there, past those two old sheds." "Thanks," Pam smiled, before giddily walking away with Kirk at her side. Those two were probably going to have sex rather than a swim.

As soon as they disappeared from my view, I proceeded to guide Franklin through the house. "Do you think something bad's going to happen?" He asked me as we got into what would be the living room. "Why would something bad happen? I mean, so what, we pick up one guy and suddenly we have shit for luck? Don't think so. Don't let him ruin the trip." "Whatever you say, Y/n."

He shook off the thought quickly, and we both continued exploring the space around us.

~Time Skip~

It'd been hours, and neither Pam or Kirk had returned by the time they left, and we sent Jerry out to go look for him, but he hasn't returned either. "What should we do?" I questioned, looking at both Sally and Franklin for suggestions.

"We should leave, that's what we should do." "I'm not leaving without Jerry!" Sally yelled. "But what if something happened to 'em?" "Then we help them, Franklin." "But then we'd need help, too, and who's gonna help us-" "I'm going." Sally simply started walking off into the woods. "Shit. Y/n, you coming?" Franklin asked, knowing he'd have to follow behind Sally. 

"I'll watch the van, and if you two don't come back, I'll go get help." Franklin was silent before nodding his head and yelling at Sally to 'wait up.' 

I opened the drivers side door of Jerry's van and took a seat inside.

And there was only a few minutes I sat there in silence, before hearing Sally screaming and a buzz. "Oh, shit, shit, shit!" Before I actually started up the car, I thought about what could happen to Franklin. It's not like he could run away, even if he wanted to. And there was no way I could get help and be back here in time before something bad happened. I didn't even know where to go, we were in the middle of nowhere.

I hopped out of the van quickly and started into the wood. "Franklin?!" I whisper-yelled, not wanting to be too loud. As I made my way further, I heard a small gurgling sound. "What the hell?" I mumbled to myself, before spotting a flashlight laying in a patch of grass. The same one Franklin took with him when he went with Sally. 

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