・˚:⋆* Jigsaw ・˚:⋆*

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~Your POV~

"Hello, Y/n."

My eyes fluttered open quickly at the sound of the voice. I looked up, meeting eyes with a man, but was barely able to make out the details of his face, seeing as everything was blurred. When I tried to move, I barely could. My arms and legs wouldn't budge, and my throat was dry and scratchy. "Hello?"

"I'm John." I stared at him, waiting for my eyes to focus. "You must feel weak. Would you like some water?" John grabbed a glass from behind him and dipped a straw into it, holding it out to me. I leaned my head forward to wrap my lips around the tip of the straw, sipping lightly.

When the cool liquid hit my throat, I felt instantly refreshed. But before I could drink it all, he'd already taken the glass away.

"Where am I?" I asked, as soon as my vision cleared up the best it could. I was in a chair, John in front of me, in a dimly lit room that was full of tables with different types of machinery sitting on them.

"My workshop." "Why?" "I thought you might be able to help me." "Help you with what? Also, how did I get here in the first place?" "You seem awfully comfortable talking with a man you've never once met in your life. But I'm sure you've seen me around."

I studied his face, taking in every light detail, before it hit me. John? John Kramer? Jig-fucking-saw.

"What do you want?" I questioned, feeling a rush flow through me as soon as I recognized him. "Like I said, I want your help. Amanda's no longer with me." "So, you want me to help you kill a bunch of people?"

"Killing is distasteful. I've never once killed a person. It's up to them whether or not they kill themselves." "Yet you're one of the worlds most notorious serial killers?" "Some people just don't understand. I make people cherish their lives. I save them from themselves and the dangers around them."

"Why do you want my help?" "Because you have potential. I've been watching you, Y/n, for most of your life." "What?" "I'm an old friend of your fathers." "My father never gave a shit about me-" "I tried to help him, but he was too heartless." "You put him in a game?" "I had to. He was leaving behind everything he had, you."

I looked at him blankly for a moment before licking my lips. "So..reverse bear trap betrays you and you turn to someone who you think might have potential?" "I could do my work alone, but it's always nice to have someone around."

He was nice, you know, for someone who has killed many. And I was straight out of high school with nowhere to go and nothing to do. "I could consider it.." "It would be best for you to answer now."

"I'll help you."

~Time Skip~

I grabbed the scalpel from John and held it up. I made sure the blade was clean, before holding it against the skin of Andy Henns, a now-dead druggie.

"Go ahead," John spoke. I nodded my head and pressed the blade down, piercing the mans skin, drawing what bit of blood he had left. I steadily carved the puzzle piece, moving slowly with every small curve to create perfectly round edges.

When I finished, I used my gloved hand to pick out the piece of skin and set it on a small tray with the scalpel.

"Shall we?" John asked, picking up the tray and sitting up. I followed him as he started walking out of the building. "Who's next?" "That's nothing to worry about for the next week." I nodded my head.

And, after the past few months, John has become the one thing I've never had: a father to me. He was there, always. There to provide, to treat me with love and respect, and give his attention to me. I guess I was just glad to be acquainted.


Idkkkk this was kinda whack and I didn't really like it but ngl I like being able to think of John as a father figure, like, I would want him to be my dad. BUT ahaaa if you could, request imagines, it would be appreciated. anywayssss, i hope you have a great day/night, bye <3

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