・˚:⋆*Michael Myers (2)・˚:⋆*

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REQUESTED BY: Edd_creator_of_cola

~Time Skip<Your POV~

I cut through the pumpkin with the knife Laurie had handed me. So far, it looked like hell. "You shouldn't have let me help you. This looks awful." I told her, as she scraped out the rest of the pumpkin, completely hollowing it out.

"C'mon, it looks fine." She laughed. "Tommy'll love it regardless." I sighed and shook my head as I continued to stab into the pumpkin. After Laurie put down the scraper, she pulled out a second knife and stood at my side. "Oh, yeah. Good job, Y/n," Laurie teased. I rolled my eyes and elbowed her.

"So, Laurie..what do you think, you know, about earlier?" I asked, looking over at her. "I..I don't know. You saw him, so I'm not crazy. Annie totally bugged me about it." "Annie can't take anything seriously, you know that." "Yeah, I know.."

"But, we've been here for hours. If he were going to show up, he would've." "Oh, God," Laurie groaned. "What?" "I just remembered about Ben Tramer." I laughed at her sudden dismay. "It's not that bad. He wants to go to the dance with you." "It's probably some joke or something, Y/n. You saw Carrie." "You're smart AND you're hot. This isn't even the prom."

She sighed, "Well, I guess you're right about it not being the prom.." "Well of course I am." As we finished talking, I took a look at the pumpkin. "You know, I can't believe Annie left Lindsay here," I shook my head. "If Lindsay's parents found out, they'd freak." I set my knife down on the counter, Laurie doing the same.

I took a step back to look at the pumpkin. "What do you think?" I asked her, not turning my gaze. "I think it looks great. Tommy, Lindsay!" She yelled, before quickly grabbing the candle and lighter we had set on the counter. After lighting the candle, she steadily placed the it into the pumpkin, being sure the flame doesn't blow out.

Tommy and Lindsay came running into the kitchen, and gathered around me and Laurie. I picked up the top of the pumpkin and put it back into its place, finishing it. "What do you guys think?" I asked, looking from them to the pumpkin.

"It's great," Tommy said, looking at in in awe. "Yeah," Lindsay agreed. "Come on," Laurie said playfully, signaling me to turn out the light. As I did, she held the pumpkin out between all of us, making ghost noises with Tommy and Lindsay joining in, "hoOooOOoOooo."

As we reached the dining room table, Laurie set the pumpkin down to be left front and center, leaving it visible to anyone who passes outside. "Nowww let's get you two to bed." Laurie said a few seconds. "Not yet," Tommy protested, Lindsay too, them both saying they wanted to watch more scary movies.

"I know we said the Boogeyman isn't real, but Tommy, if you keep watching those movies, he'll get you." I spoke, and a worried look appeared on his face.

"Oh, c'mon Y/n, don't be mean. You two just need to get to bed. You don't wanna get in trouble, do you?" Laurie laughed, and both Tommy and Lindsay turned around to rush upstairs, me and her following behind them.

~Time Skip~

"Y/n?" Laurie asked as we walked down the stairs from getting the two put to sleep. "Yeah?" "I think I'm gonna go across the street to check on Annie. She hasn't called." "Linda and Bob are there still, right?" I questioned. "I don't know, it's been..quiet." "Fine, we'll call."

As we reached the living room, we walked to the small table in the corner of the room, holding the phone between us and dialing the number.

After a few blaring rings, the phone was picked up. "Hello?" I called, but only heard silence. A light buzz then came from the line, signaling the hang up.

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