・˚:⋆* Pennywise・˚:⋆*

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~Your POV~

I stuffed my hands into my hoodie pocket and continued down the street. I fumbled around for my phone, but once I got a hold of it, I felt something tap on my shoulder. I whipped my head around to see who'd done it, and of course, there was no one there.

"Hello?" I asked, now looking everywhere around me. The street was empty and there hadn't been anybody behind me before.

"Hiya, Y/n." I turned around again. "Who's there?" After a few seconds, I noticed something; the storm drain. I lowered myself, my knees hitting the concrete. "Hello?" I called into the drain, my voice echoing.

For a few more seconds, all I could hear was the light sound running water, until a small jingle erupted from the darkness. "Hello?" I called out again, and there was the same silence. "Screw this-" As I went to get up from the concrete, I heard a childlike laugh from in front of me. I contemplated whether or not I should stay to figure out what and who kept messing with me, but decided against it.

"Jesus fuck. I'm hearing voices from the sewers. Great," I laughed a little as I finally got up from the ground and continued my walk. There was still an edge to everything around me, though.

No people walking the streets, no dogs barking at small, defenseless animals. And there weren't even any cars rolling down the streets from what I could see. Guess everyone's inside. One of Derry's infamous storms were about to hit, and it wasn't uncommon for the city to become flooded.

After walking a few more steps, I heard a noise come from behind me, a pop. "What the hell," I mumbled to myself, turning around, only to see the remains of a blood-red balloon on the concrete. 

I turned around again, ready to run, but instead saw a clown standing in front of me. His suit was tattered and worn, threads coming loose and the fabric stained with dust. His face was painted white, with red lines trailing from his lips to his eyes, which were a dashing blue. "Who are you?"

 "I'm Pennywise, the Dancing Clown," he shook his body which caused a jingle to come from the old bells on his suit. The only thing was, his voice was dark, and drool was spilling from in between his lips, where he had a hungry smile.

Before I could do anything, the clown had reached out a hand and wrapped it around my neck, squeezing my throat shut. 

I pulled at his hand with mine, kicking at him. He laughed at my struggle, and stopped when I let out for good, my vision slowly spotting with black.

~Time Skip~

When I felt something warm and wet drop on my hand, I let my eyes open.

Most of everything around me was dark, except for the middle of wherever the fuck I was, where a light was showing above a large pile of objects.

I sat up from where I was laying, and my whole body was drenched in water. "Shit," I mumbled, starting to walk through the thin sheet of water that coated the ground. 

"You're up," I heard a giggle come from the darkness. "Wh-What do you want?" I questioned, searching all around me for the clown. I narrowed my eyes as the clown stepped forward from the shadows. "I want you..to play. Nobody wants to play with the Clown," he began to weep, before going silent and lifting his head.

He sniffed the air, his head moving with each time he breathed it in. He stopped to look at me. "Are you scared, Y/n?" He questioned, taking a step forward towards me. "No," I lied. "I can smell your tasty, tasty, beautiful fear," he giggled, shaking his head.

When I didn't say anything, he reached forward a gloved hand and wrapped it around my wrist, his arm extending more than it should've. "I've been watching you for a very, very long time." His look was more dark than anything, his head forward, and his now golden eyes cast upon me.

"What the hell-" The clown opened his mouth before I could further say anything, revealing rows upon rows of smaller, sharp teeth, wrapping around his throat. In between them all, there were three small glowing orbs just floating.

I looked into them, slowly starting to feel my mind piece away from my body.

After a second of everything being black, I saw a room.

In it were two people, sitting across from each other, one a man and the other..me. The man had dark brown hair that was slicked back, and pale green eyes. His nose looked the same as the clowns, just without the red paint covering it, his smile too.

Us two were laughing, completely unaware of all else. IT looked like I was in love with the clown, with him.

The scene faded to black, and I was met with blue eyes staring down at me. "Was that you?" I questioned, wanting to make sure. He nodded his head slowly, not looking as threatening as before, and I was less scared. "That's the future, isn't it?" He nodded again.

I looked down, before simply embracing the clown, where he stood stiffly, but soon wrapped his arms around me. 


I couldn't tell you how much I'm in the It fandom- i have a problem. and credits to @52000e for the idea of making pennywise human in the deadlights- but i thought i'd update again bc i owe it to you guys, but also i hope you have a great day/night, it's like 5:30 in the morning and i need to sleep, bye

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