・˚:⋆* The Driller Killer・˚:⋆*

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REQUESTED BY: @falafelwaffelyeet

~Your POV~

"Hey, Y/n, are you coming tonight?" Trish asked me as I slipped my shirt over my head. "Yeah, I guess."

This would be the first time in at least two months that the group would be having a slumber party. I was a little hesitant, knowing Diane would be there. Me and her got into a fight only a week ago about this and that. She was just too bitchy for her own good.

"And Y/n, god, do us a favor and don't be late this time," Linda laughed, and I nodded my head. "No promises," I simply smiled, before slamming my locker door shut. As I turned to walk out, I saw Diane shoot me a glare, but ignored it as I made my way out of the locker room, not feeling like waiting for everyone else to walk with them.

I walked out of the gym, first heading to my locker to grab some books, then out of the building.

The parking lot was empty except for a few groups of students here and there and a repair van that's been sitting there all day, with a woman here to repair something.

As I walked past the van, I waved to the man who sat still in the drivers seat, though he wasn't the woman that was working earlier. He looked intense, with his eyes focused on everything around him, that now being me. His hair was buzzed and beginning to grey with his skin tanned.

I looked away from him when he didn't wave back, continuing to walk through the parking lot and from the school grounds.

~Time Skip~

As soon as I finished everything that needed to be done, I grabbed my bag that I'd just stuffed some clothes in. Of course I'd be late, but I mean, the consequences wouldn't be too serious. By this time, it was around eleven and dark out.

I left the house without a word and started my walk to Trish's house. She lived the next street over, right next to where the new girl, Valerie, had just moved in with her little sister. Trish tried to invite her to the party earlier, but she had already overhead Diane saying stupid, senseless things about her.

A few minutes passed, and I found myself heading up Trish's driveway. I stopped at the actual door connected to her garage, opening it, since it was the door we all normally might use when hanging out.

As I stepped into the garage, I flicked on the light to see my way into her house, but instead saw Diane sitting and leaning back against one of the walls, her neck covered in blood. I rolled my eyes at the sight. Diane would go to the extreme to try and scare us, and there was no way in hell she'd be saying a word to me right now.

I shook my head before as I entered the house, shutting the door behind me, only to be greeted by the empty living room. Everyone was probably up in Trish's room. I'm sure Kim brought some weed with her, and that's where we'd usually smoke, close to an open window.

I tossed my bag to the couch, before walking into the kitchen to get something to drink. When I opened the fridge, I saw Kim's body, stabbed and bloodied fall out from it.

"Oh, shit." I mumbled, staring down at Kim's body. You know..of all the things that could go wrong tonight, my friends have been killed.

I thought back to this morning, before school, when I was told something about an escaped mental patient...Ross? No, Russ.

I fled from the kitchen as I made the connection, also hearing a few screams come from around the house. I looked up the stairs, where the same man from the van earlier slowly came down them, holding a drill and covered in blood. I waved at a serial killer, too? That's just great.

I stood still, letting him come even closer. "Russ?" I choked out, making his eyes go wide and him stopping in his tracks, just as he reached the bottom step.

After a few seconds passed, he continued on, still with wide eyes. When he reached me, his breathing was heavy, and his face tense.

He kept his arm with the drill to his side, but looked as if he could raise it at any second. Still, he didn't. It felt as though his eyes were burning into the back of my skull.

After about a minute, he simply walked past me to continue his deeds.


Well. I've been meaning to get this out for, like, a month, maybe, but just haven't gotten around to it. And it's been another two weeks since updated, which I apologize for😅😅 and like but if you wanna request, feel free! Anyways, I hope you have a great day/night, bye <3

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