・˚:⋆* Freddy Krueger・˚:⋆*

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~Your POV~

I whipped my head around, taking in everything that was ahead of me. Pipes lined the walls and extended to the floors, steam radiating off most of them, with a dim red glow lighting up the area.

I looked down to my feet. There was a thin sheet of water covering the floor. I checked the rest of my body, seeing I was still in my underwear and t-shirt.

I jumped at the feeling of something running smoothly across my arm. A small, deep laugh come from behind me. I could feel hot breath run up my neck. I turned around and met eyes with a man.

His skin was burnt to the core, the edges of his striped sweater were uneven and dirty. He wore a hat, most of which was discolored with black covering its original brown.

He lifted his hand up from his side, revealing what he had touched me with; four long blades reaching from his fingertips. "Freddy," I mumbled, recognizing the man from his description.

"Y/n, it was like he had knives for fingers. And he had this dirty red and green sweater. And his skin was burnt, everywhere. He was trying to kill me."

"Oh, God, you killed her! You killed Heather, you son of a bitch!" He struck another menacing laugh, and it echoed all throughout the room. "This," he looked at his hand, "is God."

I turned around once more to try and run, but ahead of me was a different picture. I looked down at the closed coffin, seeing the end of my dress blowing in the small breeze. I took in my surroundings by flashing my head around.

There was no one there but me. I looked back down at the coffin. The front end swung open and a distorted Heather appeared from it. "Wake up!" She screamed, before her body got replaced with Freddy's.

He sprung out of the coffin and charged at me, slashing at my chest with the knives he wore. "No!" I screamed, shielding my eyes with my hands.

I sat up from bed, breathing in and out heavily. I looked around me briefly, before letting my head fall to my chest. When I looked, I saw there were four single slashes cut across the fabric of my shirt.


I hope this wasn't too bad- or short..but I'm just tryna kick this book off with something easy. Feel free to request imagines by PMing me, it would be VERY appreciated. I'm trying to update weekly. Anyways, I hope you have a great day/night, bye <3

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