Chapter 4

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{~Your POV~} {~The Next Day~}


I said as I picked up my phone as it was ringing for over 5 minutes as I only left the office to go to the bathroom



"Hey sweetie"

"Hey to you to mom, but what's up? You only call me when somethings wrong"

"Well yes I do but it's not really that"

"Really? Well, then what is it?"

"Oh, honey just come over to the house okay? I and your dad need to talk about something"

"Alright mom I'll be there on the next Saturday"

"Well alright sweetie see you soon"

"You to mom, love you"

"Love you too honey"

She hanged up as I sighed and sat down on my desk thinking why would they want to meet all of a sudden

Well it's weird they always do these things all the time before but this time, it feels different.

Knock knock

They were a knock on the door as I then yelled a short come in before Jisoo came walking in with a folder in her hands

"Here's your schedule for this month and here"

She said after setting the folder down, she then took my hand and placed a note on it

She smiled while I arched her a brow while she only giggled and left my office


I thought as I opened the note and read it.

"To my Dearest Y/n, will you be so kind to accompany me tonight?

If so I have already had Ms. Jisoo clear your schedule for tonight so there's no reason you can't come

Hope you consider it.


I laughed and caressed the handwriting on the letter.


He's hot, talented, nice, a gentleman, and has good penmanship. He's almost perfect the only thing that's wrong is that he gets turned on too easily


Just then my phone began to ring again, picking it up I saw the caller ID and smiled and answered it


"Hey there beautiful"

"Hello to you too Joon"

"So have you received it yet?"

"Received what?"

I said trying to act like I have no idea what he's talking about, but from in real life I was laughing my ass off but silently so he won't hear me

"Uum nothing"

"Am I supposed to receive anything from you?"


"Then why did you ask?"

"Uh...oh look at the time I have to go now see you soon"

He said ending the phone call quickly and as soon as he did I burst into laughter.

Oh my, I never knew he was that cute and adorable when flustered.

He's cute and hot.

I've literally hit the jackpot.

I thought as I sighed and cleaned off my desk and grabbed my belongings and headed out of my office.


Jisoo asked as I smiled while nodding as she raised me a brow while she then said.

"May I ask why?"

"Oh it's nothing, just heading out on a date"

I said as her eyes widen and her mouth hanged open as she then clapped her hands and wished me great luck

But before I went down I looked back at her and said

"Unnie can you do me a a favor?"

She looked up at me and said

"Of course, what is it?"

She looked at me with anticipation as I sighed and said

"Can you do a background check on Namjoon for me?"

She gave me a confused looked as I explained

"It's not that I don't trust him, it's just that I don't know much about him. Like maybe he has a criminal record or something, I just want to be sure and to kill this curiosity that's building up in me"

I said trying to explain as she quickly nodded understanding me


"Yes its totally fine with me, I even did it to Jin so I understand"

Your eyes widened and said

"You did it to Jin? But I told you he was clear and safe to date"

Jisoo unnie nodded then said

"Yes yes I know but it's just the way you are now, you want to know it for yourself if he's clear or not and I was curious too if he had something he was hiding from me so it's understandable"

She said smiling while i thanked her and left the building, as I went down to the parking lot and went inside the car

"Where to ma'am?"

"To namjoon's company"


Hey my babies and here's another one sorry if I'm a little late and again I'm sorry for any grammatical errors and yeah

Stay healthy and stay cool😎💜

And sorry if it's short✌️

~Remember To~

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