Chapter 6

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{Your POV}

"Ugh! He's literally killing me!"

"Okay girl what's up"

Jisoo said as Daniel laughed as he leaned back on the wall hands crossed and was grinning while he said

"Well it's been a week since she and namjoon broke up right?"

"That's right"

Jisoo said as she read some of the folders I assigned her too yesterday as Daniel continued

"Well it's also been a week that Namjoon has been calling, texting and running towards her in meetings but failed too as well "

"Oh my God"

"I know right"

Daniel said all sassily as I scoff and rolled my sleeves up and sat on my chair as I opened my laptop

"You know you can just get a restraining order for him"

Jisoo said as her eyes didn't move from the folders she was reading so calmy

"That right! I can! Daniel do it now!"

"Yes ma'am"

Daniel said as he bowed to me and left the room as I sighed and sat back on my chair

"God I hope that stupid restraining order does stop him"

I said while I ran my hands through my hair

"Yeah and while you're on it get a new phone"

"Thanks unnie"

"No prob y/nie"

{Time Skip} {Namjoon's POV}

"Please just let me meet her once!!!"

"No is a no Mr. Kim"

Daniel, Y/n's bodyguard said as he continued to look at the files in his hands as I went to his front which made him stop so he wouldn't bump into me as I said again

"Just once please"

"Mr. Kim, ma'am specifically said no to you and she made it clear that she doesn't want anything to do with you and that's why I met her lawyer earlier"

"Lawyer? Why does she need a lawyer? Is she okay?"

"Yes ma'am is fine and I met her lawyer because of you"

"Me? Why?"

"To get a restraining order against you"


"Good day Mr. Kim"

He said as he left me there at the parking lot shook, she made him get a restraining order against me?

There's no way.

{Your POV}


I looked up to see Daniel standing at the door as I gestured him to get inside

"Here is the restraining order you ordered-"


The door flung open as I saw Namjoon with my guards behind him, holding unto him so he couldn't get any closer to me as Daniel stood in front of me protectively

"Mr. Kim please leave-"

Daniel tried to say but I cut him off.

"What are you doing here namjoon?"

I exclaimed.

"I'm here because I need answers"

He said.

"To what?"

I said as I folded my arms together as Daniel was now beside me but still on his protective stance, scared that namjoon could run towards me in any second

"What do you mean to what? Why did you break up with me so suddenly?"

He said scoffimg in disbelief, then the room fell silent as I gestured the guards to let him go and leave


"You too Daniel, I'm just gonna talk to him"

I said.

"Okay, but if he does anything-"

"I'll let you beat him up"

I reassured him as Namjoon clearly felt threatened but stood his stance and as soon As Daniel left. Namjoon walked over to me and pushed me against the wall

"Now tell me why?"

I looked at him in the eyes and said.

"Because I heard many girls at your company gossiping and talking about how I'm just going to be one of those chicks you date for sex and after that you'd just leave me, well I think I know myself well namjoon to know I'm not one of those woman that stands around and does nothing and let you use me like I'm a-"

Before I could finished he cut me off by kissing me passionately as I responded back

Pulling back he held my face and said.

"Don't ever think that about yourself and you know more that I could never do that to you"

He said as I nodded and said.

"I'm sorry I was just stressed and you were the first guy I dated that made it quite far with me ever, and I was just insecure and scared of loosing you so I decided to-"

"Break up with me?"

" sorry"


"Thought that the sooner it ended the sooner I would get better and forget you....but you made it impossible"

Namjoon chuckled as he caressed my cheek and smiled

"Well you know what they say"

He said as I looked up at him confused, chuckling he caressed my hair and said.

"When you love someone, you'll do anything to get them back to you"

"I'm sorry Namjoon"

"Hey hey hey, stop with the apologies already. I already forgave you so let's move on and start again.... If you want us to"

I smiled as we both held hands smiling at each other as I said.

"Ready to tell Daniel?"

"Yeah I guess, just you first cause I know that guy will take any excuse to get to punch me in the face"

He said as I laughed.

"I'm sure he won't"

"Oh you wouldn't know woman, you wouldn't know"

He said as I continued to laugh as he chuckled.

~Remember To~

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