Chapter 17

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"Why did I say yes to this again?"

I said while holding my phone to my ear and looked out the window of my car

"Because I'm an amazing friend and you need a distraction"

Jisoo said praising herself at how she managed to make say yes to go on a date with that self observed man named Jeon Jungkook

"And I also wonder why I said yes to be friends with you"


She whined making me chuckled but then the car stopped and Daniel opened the door of the car

"Were here ma'am"

He said while I nodded, biding goodbye to Jisoo I then stepped out of the car and grabbed my purse from my seat

About to leave I was then stopped by a hand gently gripping mine, halting I turn to Daniel after hearing him close the door as he said

"Ma'am are you sure you wanna do this? What if he breaks your heart too and-"

"Daniel relax, just like my brother and Jisoo said. I just need a distraction for while and if he's as worse as my ex and my expectations then I'll call you immediately pick me up, okay?"

I said patting him on the back while he nodded as I went ahead and went inside the restaurant


The lady holding a clipboard said.


I said while she immediately nodded and asked me to follow her which I did, we then entered a private section of the restaurant and as soon as I could see Jungkook I then told her I'm fine on my own

After she left I then proceeded to walk towards Jungkook and when our eyes met he then grinned and stood up

"Hey hottie, hot as always I see"

He teased while I rolled my eyes and sat down as he did the same

"Good evening to you too Jeon"

"Ugh can't you just call me by my name for once and we're on a date that you willingly came to btw so...please?"

He said with pleading eyes as I sighed and sat myself down opposite from him and put my bag to the side

"Not a chance, you have to earn it Jeon. That's a new thing you need to know about me and second I didn't come here willingly I just came here because my best friend's persuaded me"

He sighed but agreed with me.

"If that's the case then I guess I have to thank these wonderful friends of yours, but now let's order and talk to get to know each other better after"

He said and we did just that, after we ordered the waiter went away after bowing while Jungkook placed both of his elbows on the table and looked at me with both his hands holding one another

"So tell me about yourself, likes and dislikes?"

He said while I crossed my arms over my chest and sat back on my chair and thought then said

" salon....and my bed, dislikes would be....anchovies....period ex and probably you"

"Hey what did I do?"


"Well your gonna swallow those words soon so it's okay"

"And why?"

"Because I'm gonna be on your likes list pretty soon"

Scoffing I flicked my head to the side ein disbelief but then chuckled and returned my attention back to him

"How are you so sure Jeon? What if you don't?"

"Oh you will, no one can resist me"

"Wrong cause I can"

I said while I gave him a smug look while he smirked.

"So your saying you secretly desire for me?"

"Wha- no!"

"Too late it's already imprinted on my brain"

I sighed and looked to my side annoyed at the man in front of me when something or rather someone caught my eye

Is that...

No way...

"Is something wrong?"

"No way...."

"No what way?"

Jungkook gave me a confused expression as I pointed out to the person who I was looking at

"Wait, is that Yoongi your brother and...your ex boyfriend Namjoon?"

"Yup but why are they here.... Together?"

Remember To

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Sorry for the short chapter✌️

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