Chapter 5

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{~Your POV~}

"Thanks Daniel, and you won't have to pick me up later okay?"

"Copy madam"

Daniel said as he drove off as soon as I got out as I brushed off some imaginary dust off me and straightened myself up and walked into the company

The guards greeted while I smiled and immediately went inside the elevator but before it shut two girls came running in just in time as it closed

They pushed the same button I was gonna push which was where namjoon's office is

Waiting patiently I waited for us to get there but then the girls started talking about namjoon and it immediately made me Intrigued

"Did you know that the boss has another chick on his sleeve?"

"Yeah and I heard he's dating a girl from a powerful company"

"Poor girl, not knowing she's just being used for money. She doesn't even know the guy she's dating that well, how stupid"

She said that as I froze, Namjoon? Using me for money? But he's already loaded himself, why would he need more?

As the girls left the elevator I was going back and forth if I should go to him, but then I decided not to leave the elevator. As it was closing namjoon happened to come up, phone in hand with his usual black yet sleek office suit on

He looked up and his eyes widen as he stretched his hand to block the elevator doors from closing but he was too late the door already closed up on him as the elevator went down

Because of that my phone started ringing and the caller ID showed


Accepting the call I immediately heard Namjoon panting for some reason as he said

"Y/n why didn't you stop the elevator from closing? Did I do something wrong?"

Silence filled the room and Namjoon patiently waited for my answer and was panting for some reason

Then I just made my decision and spoke.

"Mr. Kim"

"Mr. Kim? Y/n what are you doing?"

"Let's break up Namjoon"

I said, the other line became silent as I sighed and hung up on the call Daniel, after a few rings he picked up.

"Yes ma'am?

"Come pick me up now, come as fast as you can"

"Yes ma'am"

I hung up on him and waited for him patiently at the front of the building, anxiety filled me. What if he catches up on me, no way his company's building is huge there's no way-


I turned around and saw Namjoon walking fast towards me as my eyes widen, but just in time Daniel came zooming in as I quickly got in

"Drive now!"

As I said that he stomped on the gas and we drove out of there, silence filled the room as I looked back to Namjoon dumbfounded behind us as I sighed and sat back on my seat

"Not to be nosy ma'am but what happened?"

Sighing along our way to the company I told him everything about what those girls said as I folded my arms in exhaustion

"So let me get this straight, you heard some girls talking shit about your boyfriend and you didn't let him explain himself and also, you just broke up with him in the elevator while closing the door on him?"


You said plainly.

"Ma'am not be rude but isn't that a bit childish of you?"

He asked.

"Excuse me?"

I exclamed.

"Not to offend you ma'am but couldn't you just at least listen to him explain first?"

I fell silent, he had a point and I hated it, ugh!!! I'm so dumb!!

This is why my relationships are always short and not long lasting like those couples in dramas or even like Jin and Jisoo


"Your regretting it now aren't you?"

He asked.

"Ugh! Yes I am, happy?"

"No I am not, I don't like seeing you stress or so beat up ma'am"

He said, eyes still in the road. I smiled an said.

"Thanks for that Dan"

"Your welcome ma'am"

"And second didn't I tell you to not be so formal when we're alone? We were bestfriend before you became my bodyguard"

"I know but when I call you ma'am I feel like I'm in an action movie"

We both laughed, and yes since high-school me and Daniel have been the bestfriend of friends, and there was one point he told me he liked me but

He respected my decision and left me be, we went out own ways but still stayed in contact but after a few years we met again in the flesh but me as his boss and him as my new bodyguard

But that was like seven years ago anyways.

"Were here"

"See you upstairs?"

"Got it boss"

We both laughed and before closing the door and him driving off I stopped and put my head back in and told

"And don't forget to tell all the security guards to not let Namjoon in"

"You really not gonna talk to him?"

"Yup, it's better to leave things as it is. And besides...... We're done"


Hello my babies!!! I am back after how many centuries that has past and guys how hot does our boys in their new movie Butter!!!

I'm obsessed

But as always Stay healthy and stay cool😎💜

~Remember To~

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