Chapter 24

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He choked on his milk as I quickly patted his back to help him calm down as I smirked mentally
"T-Take a shower with y-you?"

"Of course, unless you see anyone else here that isn't you"

He gulped looking at me with those doe eyes of his as I smiled and pinched his cheeks which made him pout and jumped into his arms

Which shocked him as he barely catched me, as it was so sudden his hands were on my butt as I had my arms around his neck

"If you don't want to then just carry me to bed, I'm sleepy"

I said laying my head on his neck, he froze I felt it.

And it made me happy

Mission to fluster the cocky monster complete.


{Jungkook's POV"

My face was turning red as my hands held her bottom and her face was so close to mine as she placed her head on my neck

Do I want to shower with her?

Hell yeah.

But it's too soon and I want her to be comfortable with me willingly and not because we're getting married

So I took up her other offer and made my way to her bedroom upstairs which took me a while to find and reaching there I then laid her down on her bed slowly as I felt her fall asleep on me as were still on the stairs

Covering her with the cover I turned off the lamp on her bedside table and left the room and went downstairs to clean up our dinner

After washing the dishes I was about to go upstairs when the doorbell rang, it was raining pretty heavily when I started washing the dishes earlier so I wonder who it would be

I went to the door and opened it, my expression immediately darkened. The man at the door was her ex, Kim Namjoon.

"Why are you here?"

I asked coldly.

"Oh no no no why are you here? Cause if my memory is correct y/n lives here and not you so why the hell-"

"Look man if your looking for her your too late she's already asleep so why don't you just forget about her, get lost and never come back here"

I said pissed, from what I heard he cheats on her and he has the audacity to come to her house? I mean who does that?!

"Fine I guess I'll just come back tomorrow then-"

"What part of "Get lost and never come back here" didn't you get huh?"

I said now gripping his collar as he looked at me shocked at first but then grabbed my arm and yanked his collar back

"I am not listening to you and who the fuck gives you the right to say that-"

"Because I'm her fiancé"

I said anger, he was left speechless and frozen on the spot as I smirked.

"Did you hear me? I'm her fiancé and were getting married very soon, so get off my fiancé's back and fuck off will you!"

I yelled and slammed the door in his face and locked it, sighing hard looked up and puffed out my frustration

But then I felt a pair of arms around my waist making me turn my head to see the y/n

"I'm sorry for him, you didn't have to do that"

She murmured as I took her hands and turned around to face her, lifting her up and carrying her in my arms as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders

"I will because if this wasn't your house I would have beaten him up until he bled, I'll never forgive him for what he did to you. Never"

I said placing a kiss on her forehead and gave her a smile

"Now let's go to bed it's late"


{Your POV}

"Okay that is just adorable to be honest"

Jisoo said as she was squealing like a little girl and daniel looked pleased after hearing what happened last night and how Jungkook fought for me

"I knew I liked him"

Daniel said making me chuckle.

"Oh right your wedding is like in 2 weeks right? You better make me the bride of honor"

She said playfully.

"Of course I will as an advance thank you for making me your bride of honor when your wedding comes"

I said smiling as she smiled in satisfaction but then my alarm went off indicating that lunch was over making the pout

"Go back to your stations you two"

"Yes ma'am"

They both said pouting and then left the room.

After they left I began to start working on some papers, and looking at my schedule where I have a lot of meetings scheduled so that when my wedding day comes

I can take the week off for the honeymoon.

After finishing some papers and some phone calls it was soon sun down which made me sigh in relief and since Jungkook said we would be having dinner and I'd be sleeping over at his house tonight

I then closed up my folders, tieded up my desk and grabbed my bag to walk out of my office and said my bye's and Goodnight's to Jisoo

And left to the elevator and went down to the parking lot to see Daniel waiting for me with the car already open and him just standing there with a smile

And as I was about to go in a car horn honked from behind me making me jolt up in shock

Turning around I saw a black mercedes and a man came out running to me and hugged me, he was too fast that I couldn't see his face

And Daniel didn't even help me so I guessed he was someone we both knew, letting me go the man then faced me which shocked as I had my eyes widen as he was sniffing, eyes were blood as if he was crying for weeks now which made my heart ache


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