Chapter 22

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I rolled my eyes and stood up from his lap

"Okay I've lost my appetite and lunch is over you can go now"

I said while pulled him up from chair and took my a seat back on it leaving a pouting muscular bunny in front of me

"You'll see someday wifey, you'll be begging me to stay"

He said cleaning up the food as I held my documents in my hands

"Really? How long do you think will it take for that day to come? I say never"

I said while a hand then pulled the documents down and took my chin gently making me face him

"Never say never wifey"

He said seriously then let out a bunny smile and winked then went to the door and left me looking at it

Sure like that's happening, I may have said yes to marrying the man but giving him my heart willingly is definitely a different story

"So how'd it go ma'am?"

Jisoo said while she and Daniel came in smiling like idiotic children running to there mom to ask for some money for ice cream

"Nothing that envolves you eavesdropping bimbos now go"

I said my eyes going back down to my documents as I felt them sulking as they left my office quietly

After hearing the door close shut, I dropped my documents to my lap and held the area of my chest where my heart is

"Oh Jeon Jungkook what are you doing to me"


{On Phone Call}

"Y/n speaking"

I said laying my feet down on my couch as I finally arrived at home after such a back aching day at work as then someone had to call me ruining the peace and quiet I also hald

"Hey wifey"

"Jeon what now"

As irritated as I sound my heart was actually jumping in excitement just hearing his voice

"You got home safe?"

"Jeon I wouldn't be talking to you on my home telephone line If I didn't, now speak your business as I just got home and I want to rest"

I said sliding my back on my couch fully laying down on my couch letting out a sigh of relief

"Can I come over?"

He said softly.

"Why oh why may I ask?"

"I wanna talk about the whole marriage thing with you"

He said.

"Out of the blue?"

"Yup and I also wanna see your face"

He said without hesitantion.

"Sure but as soon as we're done, you leave"

"We'll see"

He said then hanged up.

{End of Phone Call}

Then a knock came to my door.

What in the world?

There is no way he came here that fast.

I stood up and went to open the door and when I did I froze, I gripped the doorknob and my teeth gritten in anger

"What are you doing here?"

There just before me stood the most disgusting being I ever met, Kim Namjoon.

"Y/n please we need to talk"

"Talk about what asshole? How many girls you humped behind my back?"

I said slamming the door but it didn't close as I heard a groan from the other side and saw a his foot blocking it from closing

"Y/n please just hear me out!"

I opened the door and slapped him across the face, my teeth shaking in anger as my eyes formed angry tears

"Hear what out Namjoon? I legit saw you in bed with another woman and now you want to explain?"

He went silent as I my tears fell from eyes my hand on the doorknob tightening as I said

"Get out and never show your face again before I make sure you regret even meeting up with me on that stupid blind date"

I said kicking his foot away and slamming the door shut up locking right after

I turned around and slid down until I felt my cold marble floor beneath me as i cried and cried hard remembering that horrible day

Then I heard another knock on my door, I looked up enraged and grabbed a golf club I had and opened the door ready to swing the club at the person I thought that was still there to only see a surprised and worried Jungkook

"WOAH wifey... are you okay?"

He said while I lowered the club down and fell to the ground and started weeping again

Jungkook immediately went to me and scooped me up in his arms and went inside the door

Sitting down on the couch he not only did he let me cry on him until I couldn't anymore but the whole time I did he was caressing my back gently calming me down, sitting up I then said

"Jungkook I'm sorry I didn't know it was you and-"

Jungkook only shushed me and gently place both his hands on my face with a serious expression he said

"Just tell me which ass I'm suppose to kick for hurting my precious wifey like this and I'll do it"

He said giving me a soft smile while caressing my face, I smiled and hugged him

"Don't worry wifey I'm here"

He said reassuringly making me all soft inside, as I pulled away and looked at him

Placing my hands on his face I kept smiling at him, he was shocked at first since this is the first time I've shown him affection before but soon got used to it

"Can I sleep over for tonight if it's alright wifey?"

He said taking his chance with a bunny smile making me giggle and say

"Of course you can hubby"

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