Chapter 13

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{Your POV}

"Ugh! Why isn't he answering!!!"

I yelled in frustration as I ran my hands through my hair for the hundredth time today while also pacing back and forth

Why? Because for the pass 2 days Namjoon hasn't spoken to me, texted me called, visited me and when I visited his company he wasn't there

Its so unlike Namjoon to just disappear without saying where he's going, it even worries me more because he didn't say anything to me

'Where are you Namjoon?'

Knock knock.

My head immediately went flying towards the door wanting to see Namjoon but only saw Daniel instead


I sighed and leaned back on my desk, looking at Daniel he gave me a guilty look as I said

"Is there something?"

"I'm afraid there is ma'am"

He said, his expression remained the same.

"What's the problem regarding to?"

"Your boyfriend ma'am"

Your eyes lit up as you stood up and went closer to Daniel and said

"You found him?"

You said, a spark of hope grew within you as waited for Daniel to speak. Hesitation was visible in his actions which worried you

'Did something bad happen to Namjoon?'

"Yes I have found him"

He said while you smiled and sighed in relief but what still worried you was that Daniel's expression wasn't changing at all, it still showed guilt.

"You found him, right? So what's the problem?"

I said while he handed me a folder that he has been holding the entire time you two were talking

"What's this?"

I said while I took the envelope and opened it, pausing as I looked up at Daniel as he sighed and said

"Yes indeed I have located Mr. Kim but...."

He trailed, his eyes going down to the floor. But you took your hand and grabbed his chin gently pushing it back up as he said


He sighed, his eyes looking at me with immense guilt as he gestured at the folder that was in my hands

"He wasn't alone when I did"

He said while you immediately took what was in the envelope as your body froze as you saw what it had inside


Of him.

With another woman.

"I'm sorry ma'am"

My body froze, my breath hitched while I stood there frozen in place as the door to my room opened

"Y/n! It's lunchtime! I was thinking we could go to....what's going on here?*

Jisoo unnie said while she saw and felt the atmosphere in my office, my eyes went blurry as I dropped the pictures

"Woah y/n what happened!"

She exclaimed as she catched me along with Daniel as I landed safely on the chair behind me

I was silent, I wasn't answering Jisoo unnie's questions and I wasn't responding to any of Daniel's worry questions

The whole world for me went dead silent, how could he do this to me? No there's no way. Maybe it was just a meeting for some company shares

'No, You saw he was kissing her y/n stop denying it!!'


'He cheated y/n!!'


'He betrayed you y/n!!'

Stop it.

'He lied to you! He doesn't love you

Shut up.

'Kim Namjoon cheated on you y/n!!'


The thoughts in your mind tipped you off which obviously caught your two best friends off guard but they understand that you were going through something tough

Especially after Daniel showed Jisoo what you dropped on the floor, she ws fuming mad. And no one wants an angry Jisoo

But then you spoke.



"Get to the car, drive me to where this asshole is"

You said as you gripped the papers that were now back in your hands as you crumbled them.

"Oh Kim just messed with the wrong woman"

After calming down you two walked down to the car and got in, even though Jisoo wanted to come and help you beat his ass. She knew you wanted to do this on your own

"Are we there yet?"

You said While Daniel remained silent while you grabbed the car seat and said

"Daniel are we-"

"Yes we're here y/n"

He said putting the car to a stop while you stood up and stare at the building before your eyes

One night.

The best motel in town, and I just happen to know the owner.

You walked into the motel and was about to enter the office of the owner of this place when a guard stopped you, gesturing to Daniel he then pounced on the man as they tackled each other on the floor

I then burst into the room, kicking it open as the man that I was looking for was inside

"What the hell- sis?"

Yes, Yoongi said while he had his arms on the table as he looked at you when you then slammed yours on his desk surprising him as he jumped a little as you hissed

"Where is Namjoon"


He said confused as you grabbed his collar and then said again

"Where the hell is Kim. Mother fucking. Namjoon"

His confused face turned into a smirk as he released himself from you while folding his arms together and said

"Let me guess, saw him with another woman?"

You rolled your eyes and said

"Just tell me where the sucker is"

He chuckled and sat down on his chair and tapped a few button on his keyboard and then tossed you a key

"Room 69, how cliché"

He said chuckling while I walked out as he followed me, giving him a look he then said

"What? My baby sis is about to kick some ass and I for sure won't want to miss that"

Remember To

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