Chapter 9

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{Third Person's POV}

"Yoongi what are you doing here?"

You said with a confused look as he chuckled looking then looked back up

"Can't I? and let me remind you that you said I could come over anytime"

"Yes but I also said to not to come here on the weekends, boy it's freaking Saturday"

Yoongi nodded understanding but then he said

"But you don't seem busy, so can I come in?"

He said while having a gummy smile on his face as I sighed and said


And slammed the door on his face, God he's such a mood killer damn it. You thought

Hearing a chuckle from the other side of the door and a knock coming after that You grunted in annoyance and open the door once again

"What yoongi-"

Before You could say anything he came inside like he owned the place, shoulders brushing past mine as You grunted and followed him in after closing the door

"Yoongi get out before-"

"Whose this?"

Yoongi said seeing Namjoon holding a beer on his hand as the two both began a staring contest as You grabbed Yoongi's arm pulled him behind and said

"Yoongi this is-"

"Kim Namjoon"

Yoongi said before You could say anything, the two glared at each other as Yoongi took your arm and pulled you behind

"Why are you here?"

Yoongi said in a calm tone, but you could tell he wasn't calm but rather angry as you saw the veins on his neck showing. And they only do when he really is pissed off

"Right back at you man, why are you here?"

"I asked first"

Namjoon chuckled and then said

"Just hanging out with my girlfriend"

He said as you felt Yoongi go stiff, as he looked at you as he turned his head. His eyes were wide and had the look that said 'HIS WHAT?!'

"Mind telling me now why you're here?"

He said while having a smirk on his facing, thinking he won this conversation but then yoongi chuckle and said

"Visiting my little sister, have a problem with that?"

He said smirking victoriously as he saw Namjoon's smirk disappear immediately as he heard Yoongi say that


"Yes, y/n's my little sister"

sᴏʀʀʏ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ sʜᴏʀᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ✌︎☃︎

~Remember To~

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