Chapter 3

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{~Author's POV~}

"Well hello-"


I yelled as my bodyguard daniel came rushing inside as I pointed at Namjoon saying

"Get this man out of my office now"

I said as he nodded and then grabbed Namjoon by the shoulders as Namjoon stood there shocked but tried to wiggle himself out of Daniel's grasps but Daniel was obviously much stronger than him

"Wait please I just wanna talk"

He begged as I sat there and thought.

'If he has something in mind let him spit out and throw and ban him from here right after'

My gut kept telling me as I sighed and gestured to Daniel to let him go and leave as he let Namjoon go and exited my office

"Sit down say what you gotta say and get out"

I said pissed but it won't hurt if I just listen to him right?

I thought as he thanked me and sat down on the chair in front of me.

"Well...I just wanted to say sorry for being rude that night"

He said as he my eyebrows became calm as I sat there awkwardly but faced him with eyes full of anger but said.

"It's fine and if that's all that you wanted to say then get out"

"No no no, please... I'm sorry okay and I also came to say if you wanted to try again"

"Excuse me?"

"Go on a date with me again, tonight if you want of course"

He said as I saw him fidgetting with his hands nervously but his face remained calm but his hands obviously gave him away that he was extremely nervous

"As long as you never do that again without permission okay?"

"Of course"

He said as I chuckled at how cute he was being, yes he is very manly, handsome, sexy, and hot outside but he can also act cute and like a 5-year-old sometimes

I looked down and thought for a few minutes and then looked back to him and nodded, he smiled showing off his deep deep dimples, nice.

"Great I'll pick you up tonight at 7 pm-"


I said as he paused at the door as I stood there and coughed out and looked at him while saying.

"What time is it right now?"


He said as he looked at his watch then back at me saying.

"Uh, 5 pm why?"

He said as I grabbed my bag and closed my computer and then grabbed my phone from my desk as I walked towards him and said.

"Wanna go on a date now? I am free"

I said as he smiled and pulled out his hand saying.

"If you insist milady"

I giggled and took his hand as we both left the office hand in hand as Jisoo saw it and had her eyes wide and her mouth hanging as she gave me a thumbs up

As I sent her a wink while we then entered the elevator, as I then picked the floor where the parking lot is as the doors closed right after

Namjoon and my hands were still intertwined but were covered with his suits blazer so it didn't look like we were holding hands

But again the elevator stopped at the elevator we didn't push and three girls came in

They were chatting and were smiling and laughing not caring who was in the elevator with them but then they stopped when they maybe smelled Namjoon's Strong and manly perfume

And since it was a bit crowded Namjoon was now in front of me and I was behind him

The girls then turned to him and gasped and then began to complement and started touching him, and tried to seduce Namjoon obviously I got mad

But then Namjoon then squeezed my hand and looked over his shoulder as I nodded as he then said.

"Excuse me ladies but can you not touch me im already taken so please stop"

He said with a very serious voice as the girls squealed and playfully punched Namjokn as they said.

"Oohh what a manly voice you have"

"Yeah mister you don't have to be so serious"

They all giggled as  Namjoon sighed and looked down and gritted his teeth as he said.

"Please stop before I get my girlfriend to fire you all"

Damn, he is so hot when he's mad.

"Oh really?"

"Excuse mister but the only one that can do that is our CEO and she has to be your girlfriend for that to happen"

"So stop lying and come with us and besides if that is true why would you even date a hideous girl like her"

The girl in the middle said seductively as Namjoon scoffed as I then said.

"You three are fired"

The three girls froze as then looked around to find the source of the voice as they then said.

"W-Who said that?"

"Yeah, where are you!"

"In front of you bitch"

I said as Namjoon stepped aside revealing me as the girls gasped and I glared at them while they bowed with heavy and shaly breaths

"Oh my god! CEO Min please forgive us!!"

The girl in the middle said as I scoffed and as always the door dinged and the elevator door opened revealing the parking lot which is what floor we picked as I walked forward and said.


I said as I hissed at them as they cowardly kept their heads down as I and Namjoon made our way out

As always Daniel was just beside the elevator door waiting for me the car came up as I stopped Daniel as I then said.

"Wait I have a task for you to attend to"

"What is it ma'am?"

"Would you kindly take these three upstairs"

I said smiling as they gave me shocking and happy smiles as I made my smile disappear and said.

"And tell Jisoo to make them hand over their ID's and pack their things"

"Why ma'am?"

"Cause they no longer work for this company anymore"

I said as I smirked the girl's faces became pale as they froze in place as I smirked and waved at them a bit and dragged Namjoon with me inside the car

As the car close, I could see the girls begging and resisting to enter the elevator as they begged as I chuckled and held Namjoon's hand again and said to my driver.

"To Eme's Straunt please"


Hello my babies and i hope you enjoyed and as always if you saw any grammatical errors.

Forgive me.

And as always as well stay safe and stay cool my babies😎💜

Remember To

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