Chapter 26

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"Wait you know each other?"

I said turning my body towards him fully as he sighed and slumped into his chair

"I guess, I just- he just hates me and I don't why and to be honest I don't really care"

Jungkook said visibly upset as I sighed and stood up and wrapped dmy arms around his waist placing my head on his neck

"Okay okay hubby, you don't need to get so upset about it"

I said calming him down and thankfully he soon did and after finishing up dinner and many movies later we were now on his bed with his arms around my waist and face buried in my neck as I hugged his arms that were around me

The next day I got up first surprisingly and started working on breakfast and since today I didn't feel like going to work I texted Jisoo that I'll be working from home today

After preparing food I then went upstairs to see no Jungkook on the bed then I heard the shower on and I smiled pulling up the breakfast in bed tray and sat in bed with our food in front of me

The bathroom door soon opened revealing a very wet and clean Jungkook who was surprised to see me

"Oh! Wifey! No work today?"

He said drying his hair with a towel while also having another one hanging around his waist as I looked down to my food a bit red from seeing his chocolate bar looking abs and hummed in response

"No I do, just felt like doing it at home today. Why? Do you mind?"

And he shook his head walking over to me still top less and only a towel holding and hiding the part where the are of his body I won't be able to resist when seen

And wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head on my neck

"Nope, it means I get to hang out with you more now"

He said giving me a peck on my cheek making me giggle

"Cute, but aren't you going to your company today?"

He shook his head.

"Nu uh, been working from home since last week"

He said while I looked at him surprised making him shrugged.


"Felt like it and I'm getting lazy to get ready for work"

He said making me roll my eyes at him.

"Well that's not good, but nonetheless open your mouth"

I said and he immediately obeyed as I popped in some eggs and bacon as he hummed while munching in it

"Your cooking is so good wifeyyyy"

He said while i shook my head.

"For me eggs and bacon doesn't compare to what breakfast you make for us"

I said but he shook his head denying it but I only rolled my eyes and tossed him his clothes while he teased me as he turned around and got dressed

"I'm eating here"

I said playfully acting to puke as he hopped unto bed after changing grinning

"Keep getting hot every day and I might just eat you out every day"

He said sending me a wink while I turned bright red but then I heard our doorbell go off as I looked at him and asked.

"Expecting any mail?"

He shook his head.

"No and if I were to get some, they'll normal just put it inside my mail box"

He said confused yet still continued to eat but I got up telling him to continue eating and got down to see someone was indeed at the door

Wrapping myself in my robe I then sighed and opened the door to see someone I didn't expect to see



"Good morning my star, I was told you'd be here and I couldn't wait for your wedding day to meet your soon to be husband so I just came by. Do you mind?"

He said as I stood there still surprised but shook my head and welcomed him come in, hearing footsteps from the stairs I immediately ran towards them and Jungkook with a piece hanging from him mouth that was full

"Who hwas zit?"

He said his words coming out gibberish as his mouth was way too full as I pulled him up stairs, pulled him into his room and locked the door

Turning to him he was now finish chewing and looked at me suspiciously

"What's going on?"

"Don't be alarmed"

"Already am after hearing you say that, so spill"

He said crossing his arms as sighed

"Taehyung's downstairs"

I said making his eyes wide as I held his shoulders to prevent him from panicking

"W-Why is he here?!"

He said already panicking as I hushed him.

"Quite down and he's here for you if you must now"

I said while he looked confused but was still freaking out

"Why? And how the hell does he know where I live!-"

"Jungkook I said zip it!"

I said covering his mouth after a minute of calming him down he did and I slowly released his mouth


He asked.

"He's here because he wanted to meet you before the wedding and because he couldn't wait"

I said while he went back and forth in front of me thinking of what to do knowing that their relationship with one another wasn't good I too didn't know how to approach this

But then a knock came to the door.

"My star are you in here?"

Taehyung asked while knocking on the door lightly as I saw Jungkook with his face scrunched

"The hell- my star?-"

He said but I covered his mouth quickly making his eyes go wide in surprise while I shook my head and answered

"Yes Tae I'm in here why?"

"Oh nothing it's just that you ran up so fast when you welcomed me in and it got me worried, oh and by the way where is that fiancée of yours? I'd like to meet my competition"

"Competition my ass my wifey is mine-"

He said a little loud but I managed to cup his mouth as fast as I could but Taehyung already got silent as I glared at Jungkook when I heard nothing from the other side of the door

"Hey star?"


"Is someone in there with you?"

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