Chapter 12

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{Third Person POV}

"Y/n calm down and-"

"I'm not marrying him"

You said straight cutting your kither off of her words as she sat there shocked

"You will and that's final"

"Says who"

You said, sat there with your arms across your chest. Wearing an expression no one can read.

"Says me, your mother"

She said.

"You're my mother? Huh....i wonder when you finally realized that-"

"Y/n Min give your mother some respect!!"

Your father butted in as he was now on his feet while you stood up also, leaning on the table and ran a hand through your hair and said

"Respect is earned not given"

You said staring into your father's eyes as he stared at you with wide eyes

"Remember father? Don't you dare say you don't. You know very well where i got that from, especially because your the one who taught me that the hard way"

You said, leaning back you took your bag and walked out of there like you were in an action movie walking out of a building that's just about to self destruct

"Wait y/n!"

You sighed as you turned around and saw that Jungkook guy again with a grin on his face

"What do you want Jeon?"

You said your eyes boring into his in boredom.

"That was hot back there hottie or should I say future wifey? "

He said smirking while you scoffed and flipped your hair back and said

"Why thank you but never ever call me future wifey and just to let you know that fortunately this hottie is already taken, so see ya never Jeon"

You said while you got into the car and drove off leaving Jungkook there all wild up at what you just said

"Oh no no y/n, we will meet again. And Mark my words, you'll fall for me like clockwork"


"Hey your back!"

Namjoon. Said while he hugges you, you did the same but after you parted from each other you sighed and sat on your bed

As apparently he has been watching kdrama's without me the whole entire time I was out for that stupid family gathering

"Did something happen?"

"Alot happened Joonie"

You said while taking your heels off and sighing in relief as both your feet felt free after everything

"Like what?"

"Well Yoongi told my family you and I are dating"

You said sighing.

"O...kay...but why do I feel like you don't feel happy about your family knowing about me-"

"No no no it's just..."

You said but paused.


"Just...say mother didn't like it and surprise surprise she invited two guests over to join us for dinner"

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