Chapter 23

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He froze, his hands that were on my waist stiffen as he looked into my eyes with utter shock

"Y-You... W-What did you just call me?"

"Handsome yet deaf, what a waste"

I teased him as I got from his lap and wiped away my tears and went rover to the kitchen and open the fridge, but he then shut it before I could take anything from inside and asked once again

"Wifey please tell me what I think you just called me was true?"

He said still can't process the fact that I called him hubby

"Call you what?"

Acting innocent while batting my lashes at him innocently


He whined.


I whined back grinning from ear to ear as I saw him froze again, I then gently grabbed his face and said

"You came here to talk about us, and since we're getting married soon I thought practicing calling you hubby would be easier for me in the future. Why? Do you not like it?"

He immediately shook his head cutely, but then I crossed my arms across my chest and stood away from him right after

"But let's make things clear, I like my image as a powerful woman outside so if we were to be outside and especially in a public place or a place where people know who I am"

I said.

"You must respect that I'd like us both to be professional with each other-"

"But wifeyyyy-"

"Shh hubby, respect it and I promise when business hours are over you can smother me in your love for the rest of the day until business hours starts again. Are we clear Jeon?"

"Hey I thought you were done calling me that"

He pouted while I shook my head cutely making him pout but nodded

"Good, now are we clear hubby?"

His smile came back as bright as day and nodded and then stood straight saluting to me playfully

"Roger my wifey"

He said bursting into fits of giggles right after, coming closer he hugged me and said softly

"Hopefully by the end of the months we agreed on to stay married, I hope you can find it in your heart to give me a chance in the end"

He said facing me while I smiled.

"Already did gave you a chance hubby, wouldn't say yes to this marriage if I didn't"

I said making him grin.

"And you know for a guy that has a huge body and arm's sleeve filled with tattoos you are one soft bunny when it comes to me"

I said boldly he chuckled saying.

"Only for you"

He said while I scrunched my nose playfully

"Ewww that cringeeee"

He let out a cute laugh and lifted me up and laid on the counter

"So we both agree that our agreement starts now?"

I said while he ruffled my hair.

"It started days ago silly, what's starting now is our physical marriage agreement if that even is a thing?"

He said looking up wondering if it is a word that actually exists.

"I believe it's not a thing"

I giggled while he pouted.


"What? It's true, even if it is true it's sounds ridiculous"

I said crossing my arms with left out a small pout.

"Why is my wifey so cuteeee"

"Why is my hubby so huggeee I mean seriously how much food do you eat in a day?"

"Can't count just... A lot"

He said nodding to himself cutely.


I said eyeing him down, he then turned to the fridge and grabbed some ingredients to use to make a sandwich. But just then an idea popped up.


"Hm? Dang I can't seem to get to use hearing that"

"You will"

I giggled as he chuckled.

"What is it wifey?"

"Can i touch you?"

"Of course"

"No no like touch you touch you"

He fell silent but then said.

"I mean yeah of course, we're getting married soon so physical touch shouldn't be new to us by then"

"Oh okay then"

I said hopping off the counter and walked to him and gave him a hug from behind

"Is this why you asked? Wifey you can hug me anytime-"

"Hubby if your this big does that mean you have huge abs?"

From the corner of my eye I could see him go red as he got flustered by my question

"Yes, why wanna touch?"

"Can I?"


He asked shocked at how bold I was being every waking second making me smirk at him but too bad for him that his back was facing me so he didn't see it

"Sure wifey"

"Okey dokey"

I said while I slid my hands into his shirt making him freeze up immediately and DAMN

The man's got some hard like-rock abs.

Dang that's hot.

"U-Uh wifey um..."

"Yes hubby?"

"Um nothing... The sandwiches are ready"

He said walking to the counter where I sat before and place two plates of sandwiches on trying to shake me off him by walking off but failed as I held unto him even tighter

"Okay enough of touching my abs let's eat for now okay?"

He asked while I nodded taking my hands out from his shirt as he gently grabbed my waist and place me on the counter again next to the plates

Then we started eating our food, it was quite but peaceful but then another brilliant idea came to mind as we were in the middle of eating our sandwiches

"Hubby wanna take a bath with me?"

Remember To

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