Chapter 18

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"I'm sure those two just look like Namjoon and Yoongi that's all"

Jungkook said walking me up to my house as I sighed and shook the thought out of my mind

Maybe he's right?

Ugh whatever.

Stopping just in front of my door I looked to Jungkook as he gave me a smile

"Today was great apart from when Namjoon and Yoongi's lookalikes came but it was great, you?"

I nodded and slowly gave him a smile.

"It was great, your not too bad Jeon"

I said while he groaned and said.

"Your still not dropping the Jeon thing huh?"

He whined making me chuckle.

"I told you Jeon, you have to earn it"

I said making him sigh but nodded in understanding and looked at me.


"What do you mean what? A gentleman always sees a woman off first before leaving"

He said with a proud smile on his face  making me chuckle and crossed my arms together and said

"Well how kind of you, but I don't do that so I prefer to see you off first"

I said while his smile turned into a pout

"Seriously? Even this? Give a man a chance to be a gentleman come on~"

He whined once again making me smile a bit and bit my lip, even though I know just like 5% about him because of the things he told me over dinner and not knowing anything about for the remaining 95% he still... For the first time in days that he came into my life made me smile at him genuinely

Before I thought he was this self absorbed, ignorant and cocky guy but he's actually very goofie and playful like a child

"Oh! I made you smile! That's a point isn't?"

He said excited rolling my eyes playfully at him I then grabbed both of his shoulders and turned him around

"Enough of that for tonight, go home Jeon"

I said pushing away from me gently, chuckling at me he turned to me once again and let out a toothy smile

"Till our next date hottie"

He said his hands in his pockets as he gave me a wink along with a grin on his face

And then he left surrendering to my request of seeing him off first before I went inside my house

Getting in his car he then looked back at me, waving bye he quickly sped off as I smiled and sighed

At least something changed within me tonight, I might actually considered on opening my heart again.... Maybe



It was now the next day and I was currently in my office getting an earful of squeals from Jisoo unnie as I finished telling him everything that happened the night before

"Unnie dial it down will you?"

I said taking my hands off from covering my ears that immediately wen tto cover them when Jisoo unnie let out an unexpected burst of squealing

"How can I?! Ahh! I'm so happy for you-"


Daniel yelled bursting into my office leaving me and Jisoo unnie jumping in shock

"Daniel what the hell"

I said while I sat back on my chair, Daniel after looking around the room sighed in relief and apologized

"Sorry y/n I panicked when I got out of the elevator and heard Jisoo noona screaming"

He said walking towards my desk and sitting just opposite from Jisoo unnie

"Why are you even here anyways Dan? It's girl time"

"Well sorry to interrupt but for me it's actually lunch time already and I don't wanna eat alone"

He said while I looked at the clock in the middle of my office and it was indeed time for lunch, standing up I then grabbed my purse and said

"Alright Daniel get in the car Jisoo unnie your coming too lunch is on me"


"Now that's what I'm talking about!"

They both cheered and celebrated.

Getting into the car and driving to the restaurant we all agreed on we then got out, sat down and ordered our food

After the waiter left Daniel then asked.

"So why were you yelling earlier noona?

Jisoo looked at me and smirked, rolling my eyes at her playfully she then said

"Oh nothing I just got excited when our y/n here told me that she actually had a great date last night with that Jungkook guy"

She said smiling every so mischievously, Daniel however looked over to me with a questionable look

"You did? How? Even before you even entered the restaurant you were grunting over the phone and had unamused face"

"How the hell do you know that?"

I asked him surprised, how does he know?

"Oh well when you called Jisoo noona I was actually over there helping Jin hyung with something and when I found where you were going on a date, I called a friend who works their and asked them for a favor to keep me updated on how things were going on between the two of you"

He said as if it was that normal to ask your friend a favor to spy on your best friend's date who works where your date's gonna be


He told as I noticed I was looking at him with a look of disbelief on my face for too long

"How can you say that as if it's normal?"

"It's not but I had to know if everything is okay, I'm your bodyguard, driver and best friend y/n. I have the right to know if your going to be okay or not"

He said firmly as I nodded understanding him but also told him to tell me first next time so I know and he negotiatly agreed

"But out of the topic when is the food coming~ I'm hungry~"

Daniel whined making Jisoo unnie and me chuckle but then Jisoo unnie stopped giggling and pointed out to something

"What's wrong unnie?"

"Guys...isn't that Namjoon?"

"It is...and is he with...Jungkook?

Remember To

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