Chapter 20

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{For the one's who are confused i edited some things out because I published the wrong chapter and I'm sorry for my fault}

"And why?"

"I don't know, you could say I would like to experience being in the same bed with my future wifey before getting married?"

He said wiggling his eyebrows at me while I rolled my eyes and they landed on two familiar backs

I looked closer and when they both turned to the side my eyes widen immediately after they did so, as I saw the two together again

My brother Yoongi and him.

I whipped my eyes clean which made them blurry for a sec but when they cleared up, I mentally Gasp. It was really them, and i know that for sure cause my brother was wearing the suit I gave him for his birthday last year and he was wearing the watch I ordered customed made just for him

I know cliché but past is past and I don't like talking about mine if you want me to involve him

"Let's go?"

Jungkook voice rang into my ears snapping my attention back to him whole I was flustered for a sec but then I nodded

We payed the bill- well he did because I couldn't bare to hear him whine about letting him pay for my meal and his so, although I did tipped the waiter so we're kinda even...kinda.

"So what was that you were starring at-"


I said as I grabbed his face and turned it back to me with a sheepish smile, I let go of him and we both went to the car

We drove back to my place and the whole ride there was me thinking about why those are constantly with each other and Jungkook singing along to the car's radio

Finally arriving I quickly got out before Jungkook could open the door for me leaving him all sulky but ignored it and went inside

"So you inviting me in means I can sleep next to you too?"

"No it means I sleep in my room and you stay in whatever guest bedroom you want"

I said going up stairs, opening the door to my room and jumping on my bed while also kicking off my heels from my feet

Groaning from total exhaustion I then snuggled my way up to my pillows and sighed in relief

"Nu uh uh my future wifey, bath first before sleep"

"Jungkook who said you could enter my room?"

"Your mom did as she specifically told me to be comfortable with you since we're going to be a family soon"

"Right and you actually listen to that hag? Puhlease that only means your a pushover then"

I said sitting up while he stood there looking at me


"Can I sit?"

"Wow you ask for permission to sit on my bed but not when entering my room, how smart can you get"

I sassed at him but he looked at me still which made me sigh and gesture a permission granted to him and he immediately understood

And the next thing I knew is that after he sat down he immediately picked me up like my weight was not the same as a bag of rice unto his lap

"What are you doing? Let me off!"

I said but he only secured me in his embrace even more by holding unto my waist

Silence filled the room and I could only look anywhere else but his face as i didn't know how to face it, especially if I'm in this position

"Wifey let's make a deal"


"Are you deaf? So much for a hottie if you can't even hear"

"What deal Jeon?"

I said rolling my eyes at him making him chuckle.

"Let's get married"

"Excuse me?"

"Let's get married for 7 months and after three months, if you still don't love me then we'll get divorce. Deal?"

He said seriously, his eyes boring into mine while I thought about what my friends said

"Come on y/n try, use him to distract yourself. And you never know, maybe in the end you two are the actual one's that are bound for each other"

"Use me"

Did he just read my mind?

"Use me to get him out of your mind, and maybe...soon after spending time with'll love me back"

He said with a serious face. Come on y/n! The man is literally asking you to use him! Take the risk!

Said my conscience while I thought, it wouldn't hurt right? I mean he might be right, I might actually love him


He let out a smile, he then let out his hand and poked his pinky out.


"To seal the deal"

He said grinning, my lord he's a Literal child and no one can tell me otherwise

I giggled a bit and intertwined my pinky with his, making him smile and then he stood up surprising me and grinned while saying

"Now my soon to be wifey, let's hit the bath shall we?"

Remember To

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