Chapter 10

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{Your POV}

The tension was too much for you so you grabbed Yoongi by the arm and dragged him into the kitchen

"Okay spit it out, why are you really here"

I said, arms folded over your chest as glared at him for trying to pick a fight with your boyfriend

He chuckled and looked down you and said.

"Remember when mom called you and told you that she had something to say along with dad to you?"

He said while I nodded remember mother's words that day.




"Hey sweetie"

"Hey to you to mom, but what's up? You only call me when somethings wrong"

"Well yes I do but it's not really that"

"Really? Well, then what is it?"

"Oh, honey just come over to the house okay? I and your dad need to talk about something"

"Alright mom I'll be there on the next Saturday"

{~End Of Flashback~}

"And today is that Saturday little sis"

He said grinning weirdly as I sighed.

He's right, I did make plans with my mom today. Poor Joonie, he'll be alone for the entire day

"Alright alright, I'll come with you but I'll just get change first but in the meantime get your ass out of my house before you two get into a fight"

You said at your older brother while he nodded and raised his hands in defeat

"Okay alright no need to be so feisty, see you outside in 5 though alright, mom is expecting us real soon. You know how she's like when you make her wait"

Yoongi says as you nodded your head while rolling your eyes knowing your mother very well

One moment she's all sweet and nice and the next thing you know she'll go bitch mode on you behind your back catching you off guard, she's just unpredictable.

Her being nice is rare as heck so when I got that call from her before, hearing her sweet voice talking to me. I knew then that something is probably not going my way after we meet again for dinner tonight

"I know now get out"

I said while Yoongi nodded as he left closing the door behind him without a word

"You did tell me Min Yoongi was your-"

"I need to leave"

You said before Namjoon could finish as he gave you a confused look

"Leave? Why, did I do something wrong aga-"

"No you did nothing wrong, I just remembered that we have a family gathering this evening"

You said entering your room and went to the closet to change into something else

Coming back out you saw Namjoon sitting on your bed with a worried expression on his face

"Something wrong Joonie?"

You asked while fixing your hair and make up.

"No- well yes- I mean no-I MEAN-"

"Namjoon! Calm down and talk like a normal person! "

You exclaimed with your hands now on his shoulders, your eyes staring into his as he calmed down

"Well I'm just worried I guess"


You asked, why would he be worried. It's just a family gathering.

"You said your going to a family gathering right?"

"If you listened to me then yes"

I said while putting on some lipstick.

"A family gathering that is surely going to have your mother attending it?"

"Yes that's right"

You said fixing your things in your bag.

"Also the same mother that we ran away from just a few hours ago?"

Oh shit.

He's right.

Bless my soul tonight because I may not live to see Namjoon tomorrow.

"Yes...of course. She's my only mother so yes she will be there"

I said straightening myself up in the mirror.

"Are you not scared?"

"Hell knows how much but I need to go or else it'll be worse if I don't, and besides I need to stay alive to come home to you"

I said caressing his cheek as he smiled and took it in his hand and kissed it making me smile

"Alright I need to go before you unintentionally make me stay here by your charms"

I said while he chuckled as I giggled and gave him a big hug when stood up

"See here tonight okay?"

He said.

"See you tonight"

You said your words getting muffled as your face was in his neck while you pulled back

"Oops I got lipstick on you"

You giggled as you saw your lip print on Namjoon's neck

Waving to Namjoon he smiled and waved back as you got out of the house and got into your own car

As the board on the touch of your car started to ring.

Yoongi was calling.

Picking it up I started the engine as he spoke.

"Not getting in my car little sis?"

"No, just in case something goes wrong and I need to make a run for it"

You said grinning playfully as he chuckled while you hanged up and drove behind your brother's car towards your old house

Exiting the car, so many memories came rushing back towards you as you felt the breeze hit your face

It was your old home, the house you grew up in until after turning 18 when you moved out to build your company

"Alright sis, ready to see the old geezers?"


You said when he raised his hands in defeat yet again as he apologized and closed the door to his car along with you as you two then entered your old house

"It hasn't changed a bit"

You said while you entered the living room, looking back at the memories you had with your family in this living room when a voice spoke

"But you have"

You turned around and saw her along with your brother who looked unaffected as you kept your cool too

"Good evening mother"

~Remember To~

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