Chapter 16

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The bullet went straight into the carpet just beside her head, she screamed and moved away from the hole the bullet made and also me

As she stared at me shocked with a mixture of fear meanwhile was still raging from anger as I held the gun in my hands, eyes looking straight at hers then said

"Run before I actually shoot you"

I said while she took her bag and ran out of the room, I looked up and saw the two shocked. Their faces similar to Hana's but they were just shocked, no fear in sight on their faces

Slowly Daniel then retrieved his gun and unloaded it while holding it behind him

"Um...okay uh..."

Jisoo said trying to change the atmosphere and not try to talk about the fact that I almost killed someone right in front of them and worst in my company grounds


"Yes ma'am"

She said seeing it was still business hours she answered me formally and stood up straight, her hands in front of her respectfully as she stood their waiting for me to speak

"Get a person to patch that hole"

"Yes ma'am"

She said leaving the room in a hurry leaving Daniel alone with me.


"Yes ma'am"

He said doing the exact same thing Jisoo did when I called her by her name

"Just like what happened before, tell every personel here and in other locations that are under my name to not let Kim Namjoon in no matter the cost but add an addition. Keep Hana out too"

"Right away ma'am, excuse me"

He said leaving the room, leaving me all alone. Sighing I then sat myself down on my chair and sighed once again

An a hour flew by when my phone started ringing, seeing the caller ID I then answered it

"What now Yoongi?"

I said not in theood to talk to anyone at the moment, my eyes stuck to my screen as I continued to work while taking his call

{~Phone Call~}

"Heard you shot a bullet this fine afternoon?"

"Who told you"

"Jisoo noona duh"

"Ugh... So what now?"

"Marry that Jeon guy"

"Hello no and why would I?"

I said irritated even more, why does he have to bring up that self observed cocky ass asshole to this conversation?

"You remember what mom said, she wants you to marry her best friend's son and you can also use him"

"Use him for what exactly? I'm already rich, money isn't a problem"

"Use him to get over your ex cheating boyfriend"

"But I don't love him"

"Who says you have to love him? Just use him as a distraction, to forget about Nam-"

"Don't you even dare say his name"

"Alright jeez I won't, but it's a good option baby sis. You should reconsider it"

"Yeah yeah is that it? Then bye"

"See ya"

{~End Of Phone Call~}

I said hanging up and putting my phone down while massaging my temples

I won't reconsider marrying that jerk, he's obnoxious and a self centered person and I don't even like him

And to add the fact that I had security kick his ass out of my company building just a few hours ago, and if I do tell him I would like to try then he'll think that he already won this fight

No way that's happening.

Knock knock.

Then Daniel and Jisoo came in while I looked at them gesturing them to sit down

"I called a person ma'am their on their way"

Jisoo said while I nodded sitting back on my chair.

"I told everyone ma'am, Mr. Kim and Ms. Hana won't be entering this building or any building you own"

I nodded again and just when I was about to say something, my watch beeped indicating that it was lunchtime

I looked at the two while they looked at me with hope, sighing I nodded as they both burst into loud exclamations

"Dang that was cool!"
"Your so irresponsible!"
"Teach me how to do that!"
"You didn't even use your head!"
"Your so badass!"
"You could have been in jail!"

Daniel exclaimed fascinated by what I did awhile ago but Jisoo was rather disappointed in me

"That was dangerous! You almost killed her!"


I told her while she looked at me with disbelief, while she shook her hands along with her hands

"Okay let's change the subject, I vote for y/n to marry that Jungkook dude"

She said raising her hand while I looked at her shocked, then Daniel raised his hand too

"I vote to that too, he's way more handsomer than the last and he seems confident and cold yet sweet on the inside"

"Why does everybody want me to marry me with him?! I mean he's not even that good looking and he's not sweet! He's a cocky ass and self observed mother trucker that can also get on your nerves"

I said crossing my arms while I sat back on my chair pissed while Jisoo unnie said

"Oh come on Min y/n, give the man a break. I bet you two haven't went on a date or even got the chance to get to know one another yet and your already judging him"

Jisoo said while Daniel agreed while I i rolled my eyes at the two and said

"I don't need to do that, I can already see what kind of person he is"

"Have any proof?"

Jisoo said which mad eme go quite, then soon I shook my head. She then scoffed and said

"See? Just give the poor man a chance"

She said while I sighed and sat up from my seat and said

"How do I do that?"

"Go on a date with me"

A voice came from behind making me look back and saw


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