Chapter 15

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{Your POV}

"Why are you in my office?"

I said, putting down my purse on the chair infront of my desk as I walked towards him and about a few inches closer to him. Chuckling he smiles at me

"Nice company you got here future wifey"

He grinned seeing your face all mad and pissed at him making him smirk even more

"Are you dumb? I told you not to call me future wifey cause it's not happening"

I said while I crossed my arms over my chest while he chuckled and stur the drink he had in one of his hands by swishing it around

"Why not? I just heard the most amusing news just a few minutes ago, he cheated on you. Why can't you just let it go-"

"Dont you dare teach how to let it go! Cause I have been doing it all my life but that's in the past and it's been along time since I've escaped that hell house. Now I do what I want, when I want it and whenever I want it...."

You walking closer to him and good thing you were wearing heels cause he is one tall of a guy and whispered in to his ears

"But sadly for you....your not apart of the things I want so, ....get lost"

You said while stepping back and glared at the snickering man in front of you, he was obviously pissed seeing how he was clenching his jaw and looking anywhere but you but then he turned his attention to me again and said

"You know you shouldn't talk like that to your fiancé-"

"I said it before and I'm saying it again now! I am not marrying your cocky ass and that's final. Now get out of my office!"

I said yelling for Daniel's name as he came inside the room immediately after

Soon Jungkook was escorted out but before he did, he stopped and turned around, facing me with a smirk and said:

"You can't escape arrange marriages
Y/n, especially if I'm the soon to be husband along with your stubborn to the bones mother and mark my words. I'm not giving up nor loosing you to anyone, I will make you mine and I won't stop until It happens"

And then he left.

That psycho son of a bi-

Knock knock.

Looking up from my desk still angry I then saw Jisoo and Daniel standing there worried, but what surprised me the most was the person in between the two


"Hey girl...."

You sat there shocked, Hana went away with Jimin because they went on a vacation together but after hearing Jimin dumping her, it shocked you

Even though the majority of the time you saw the two of them was just them making out or making love even if your unlucky it still shocked you

Jimin would never dump anyone, he would always be the one getting dumped but this time maybe Hana did something that crossed the line

Maybe she cheated?

Maybe she's been a gold digger all along?

Used him for fame?

Used him for pleasure?

Or maybe she was framed?

"I heard the What happened?"

I said while she quickly ran to me as I expected for her to hug me she ended up on her knees begging for forgiveness

"Hana? What are you doing? Get up you idiot!"

I said but then Daniel coughed which caught your attention, he then gave me the envelope from this morning again although the color of it changed. It's colored black now

"What's this?"

I said slowly taking the envelope in my hands letting go of Hana's begging one's and opened it it and saw a few pictures inside like this morning

"I've already seen these Daniel-"

"Remember when I told you that Mr. Kim wasn't alone when I found him ma'am?"

"Yes I remember"

Literal he told me this morning and I'm not that old to forget that fast fortunately as he continued to say

"Well this morning Ms. Hana wasn't alone either"

He said and then gestured to the envelope which I took from my desk and I held it in my hands and took the pictures from inside

My heart dropped, it was the same photos from this morning but taken from another angle. The woman's face was crystal clear


Your bestfriend along with Jisoo and Daniel since forever, cheated on her boyfriend with mine. Well with my ex-boyfriend.

"Y/n I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

She said while she held my hand again hers but I grabbed dit back and stood up making her fall on her elbows

"Why? Hana how could-"

You couldn't continue because you felt so betrayed, it even intensified a million times because of what Hana did to you

"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry.... Please forgive me...."

She cried and cried on my toes but I stopped back and scoffed and looked back down to her and said

"And to think that you hooked us together, the one.... The one who brought us together.... Was the one who ripped us apart like it's nothing"

"Y/n please...i can explain-"

"Was Jimin not enough? Was my friend not enough? That you just had to go and get a new one? He loved you! He loved a bitch like you!"

I said, Jimin was always there for everyone. In their darkest and happiest moments and so were we but she destroyed him

He loved her like crazy, did everything for her. I know because I witnessed it all

But she just wasted it all on one guy, and it apparently happened to be your ex. How playful is destiny? Hm?

Cause I've had my fair share of broken hearts already, when will the one arrive?

Sniffing up I shook my mind from my daze and turned to Daniel and walked towards him grabbing his gun from his gun holder

"Y/n No!"
"Y/n Stop!"

But I did listen to them as I got the gun ready to shoot, thanks Yoongi I owe you and said.

"Garbage gets thrown to the garbage pile....But demons like you get thrown to hell the old fashion style"


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