Chapter 21

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"Your getting married when again?"

Jisoo said after recovering from choking on her soda, giving her a napkin I then looked back down to my documents continuing my work knowing well that it was lunch time but still I had a lot to do and I wasn't really feeling any hunger at all

"What the hell happened over night? Had sex?"

She said raising her eyebrows and wiggling them with a smirk on her face at me. Rolling my eyes I shook my head and turned my chair to face my humongous glass window with a sigh

"Oh come on y/n~ you can't leave me on a cliff hanger like this! And you got to explain more especially because now your getting married first than me. Which was in my calendar for the year!"

She said whining to me but I ignored her and continued to work but then t the door opened stopping her from her whining

"Oh! Daniel you won't believe what y/n just told m-"

Then she stopped which alarmed me but then I heard a few pairs of feet rustling behind and soon the door closed and silence came back until I heard a small thud behind me preferably on my desk

But then it hit me.

"Daniel I don't wanna eat, just eat with Jisoo unnie I'm not really hungry"

I said but to no response and knowing Daniel for who he is, made me worried for a sec up until my chair was turned around making me see the person who I thought was my friend

"But it's lunchtime and you don't work at lunchtime you eat"


"The one and only"

He sassed at me making me roll my eyes, straightening myself up i watched Jungkook pull out some boxes of food from a plastic bag and turned back to me with a smile

"Jeon why are you here?"

"Daniel hyung told me you weren't in the mood to eat and that's a big no no especially because your husband is me. I like food and I don't want my wifey skipping meals"

He said sternly with his eyes boring into mine, I looked at him a bit shocked. No one's ever really noticed me skipping my meals other than Daniel and Jisoo unnie

Not even Nam- EW Y/n! You almost thought of his name *mentally pukes*

"Jeon seriously I'm fine, I'm just really not in the mood to eat-"

"-Mood or not skipping meals isn't healthy and I want you to be healthy and happy even if you say no to me at the end of 7 months"

He said with a serious face making me stare at his face softly, he's kind, sweet, annoying but caring....maybe I can try to love him for real....


"And speaking of 7 months since we're getting married try dropping the Jeon will you?"

Shaking my head I stood up and put him on the chair and took my documents with me

"Where are you going?"

He asked puzzled.

"I'm going outside to finish these you can stay here to eat"

I said turning my back to him and started walking my way to wards the door

But then a hand snatched my documents and I was now being picked up bridal towards my chair

Sitting down Jungkook laid me on his lap gently and made me face my desk where the food was laid out

His hands went to both my sides sliding its way around my curves and settling down on my thighs trapping me in his embrace

"Your eating here and your eating now, with me of course"

He said ever so brightly as I could feel his smile from behind me making me sigh, he took a spoon and scooped some food unto it and made its way to me just stopping on my mouth

"Say ah wifey"

He said waiting for me to open my mouth as I looked the other way

Is he seriously feeding me?

I am not a baby.

As my wondered around the room I then spotted two figures watching us by my "slightly" opened office door

Jisoo unnie and Daniel watched us with idiotic smiles on their faces as they gestured me to take the food

Rolling my eyes at them in annoyance I gave in because of their constant annoying gestures and the guilt that was growing in me as I saw jungkook's hand still holding the spoon waiting for me to take it

"Such an obedient wifey"

He said smiling like an idiot, and after feeding me and himself the food soon disappeared leaving an empty food box tidying up with me still on his lap when he finally finished I tried getting up but he pulled me down

"Can't we stay like this for a while?"

He said making my body turn to the side and my head turned to his as he showed me his cute doe puppy/bunny eyes

I nodded in defeat as he then took my head and laid it on his warm chest. We stayed like that for a while until he spoke again


He said looking down to me as I got my head up from his chest and stared into his eyes

"Do you think you could ever love me?"

Oh my god.

This is so sad!

Stop making me feel guilty Jeon!

That's guilt tripping!

Although it's working....but stop it!

He said silence once again replaced the air after he spoke making me think and think until

"Change the subject will ya Jeon?"

I said trying to play it cool, he sighed and nodded and then placed a hand on my thigh making me look at him as his innocent face was now replaced with a much more darker one

"You know what body part I find most attractive wifey?"

He said while I looked at him with slight curiosity as he smirked and looked back down and patted my thigh while biting his lips

"Thighs and yours are looking rather tasty right now"

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