Chapter 7

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{Your POV}


"Hey sweetie"


"Yes its your mother"

"Mom why are you calling so early in the morning"

"Just wanted to remind you that your next date is this evening"

"Mom I already have a boyfriend"


"Keep your voice down mom"

"Okay okay, let me meet him then. This evening"

"Mom I don't-"

"I'm meeting this boy whether you like it or not, see you this evening dear"

The phone hanged up as I groaned and laid back down groaning in annoyance

Then the other side of my bed started to move as I looked over to see a shirtless sleepy Namjoon

Oh right.

Forgot about him.

Namjoon came last night out of nowhere in the middle of the night asking if he could sleep over

His reason to spend time with me which he could also do in the morning but nope


He said voice husky as he just woke up which made him sound so sexy as i turned to him as he slowly opened his eyes

Upon seeing me he smiled and grabbed me by the waist as I giggled at he said

"Morning beautiful"

"Morning to you too Joonie"

I said as I went into his embrace which he gladly took in his arms as I felt the warmth in him spreading to me

As I said.

"My mom wants to meet you"

As I said that I could feel namjoon go stiff as I felt his heart beating fast as I faced him while he did the same thing



"But don't worry we won't come"


"Um it's been only 3 days since we got back together and meeting my mom after the ruckus we made and the things we did I think she wouldn't really would like that, especially if she found out I almost got a restraining order against you"

Namjoon nodded as he placed his chin on my head while he caressed my back gently as I then added

"Besides me and my mom are not in a good state right now"

"May I ask why?"

"Ugh it's just that she's so desperate to get me married before when I wasn't ready and she even almost forced me to marry one of my good friends seokjin"

"Your best friend's fiancé?"

"Yeah Jisoo's man"

"Pardon my language towards your mother but that's fucked up"

I nodded as he sighed caressed my hair as he then said

"Don't worry I'll propose soon and your mother won't need to worry anymore"

I looked up surprised as he only looked down at me and grinned as I scoffed playfully

{Your POV}{Time Skip}

"Ready for dinner beautiful? "

Namjoon asked as I smiled and turned off my laptop, took my purse and stood up and went beside him while linking my arm with his

Smiling like the idiots we are, we left my office and took the elevator and went to the entrance of the building to exit and go to namjoon's car that was up front

But as expected when things go your way, there's always one person that spoils your fun

As we exited giggling at each other, I looked to only see my mother

My Mother.

With her own car, her driver in it as she stood in front of us both with arms both crossed over her chest as she stood there like she's been waiting for us

But luckily she wasn't looking at us, taking that chance I grabbed namjoon and went back in the building

Dragging a confused Joonie.

"Wait the cars up front-"

"Didn't you see? My mom was out there!!"

His eyes widen as he looked back as we both got in the elevator, pressing the parking lot button. The doors slowly closed while namjoon was still shock

"That woman was your mom?!"

He said bewildered as I looked at him and said

"Of course that was my mom"

"Well she's more classy than I expected"

"Welp that's my mom alright"

I said as I sighed and took my phone from my purse and dialed Daniel's number and called him

"Yes ma'am?"

"Pick us at the parking lot"

"I'm already there ma'am, I'll wait for you"

"Okay see ya there"

I said as I hanged up and put my phone in my purse as Namjoon asked

"Who was that?"

"Daniel, I ordered him to pick us up"

"Oh no not again"

"Don't worry Joonie I think Daniel has had a lot of time to forgive you, even though you didn't do anything"

"I don't think so, we kinda ran into each other when I came to pick you at your office earlier and he gave me a death glare"

He said as I giggled, holding his hand he smiled a bit and looked down

"You know me babe, I don't get scared easily but Daniel is just in another level of protective and scary. And that kind of person is someone you don't wanna mess with"

Giggling again.

The doors dinged as we arrived and at the ground floor, walking out we looked around and looked everywhere until I saw the car coming in

As usual Daniel was in it and as soon as he saw me he smiled, but he saw Namjoon his smile completely disappeared and was replaced with a death glare

Namjoon was right, Daniel is very scary when mad.

Getting in I sat behind Daniel as Namjoon sat behind the passengers seat as I then said

"Hey Daniel"

"Greetings Ma'am"

The car was silent when Daniel finally spoke as I did nudge the bottom of his seat

"Mr. Kim"


Namjoon said a little nervous as he stuttered while I giggled as Daniel asked

"Where to ma'am?"

"My house"

~Remember To~

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