The Secret Courtyard

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Second hour was 5 min before starting. You ran through the hallways pushing people out of your way, only paying attention to finding Draco. You needed more explanation to this mess.

You couldn't believe Draco didn't bother to tell you anything about the night on the astronomy tower. Does he even know that you were drugged with a love potion as well? How much does he even know anyways?

You ran up to Snape's gloomy class room and sneaked behind the door making sure Professor Snape wouldn't catch your glance.

"Y/n?" Harry snickered behind you as you slowly tried to creep through the door looking for Draco's sight.

"Are you sick? What the bloody hell are you up too-

"Shh Harry!" You quickly turned around and put a finger over your lips.

"Tell me, is Draco in there?" You nodded at the classroom as Harry took two steps forward so he could stand in the middle of the doorway.

"Uhh no he's not." Harry said as a couple of students waited for him to unblock the doorway to the potion classroom.

"Shit." You closed your eyes and quickly thought of the first place Draco could be.

"Mind explaining to me what you're doing?" Harry said leaning back and forth as you leaned on the wall still blanking out trying to think where Draco is.

"Y/n!" Harry snapped at you as you snapped back into reality.

"I don't know! I'm skipping this class though, Draco has some explaining to do- just tell Snape I threw up at breakfast or something." You quickly responded as you leaned off the wall to walk to the Slytherin house.

"Wait- what?" Harry said confused as you shrugged at him and started to run off away from your first hour class.

"She never learns." Harry rolled his eyes and made his way in Snape's potion class.

You could only think that Draco would be in the Slytherin commons at this hour.

You ran fast turning the sharp corners of the dead hallways with your robes flying in the air. As you turned a sharp corner you ran straight into a tall figure who quickly stopped you by grabbing your shoulders.

The cold indent of his rings alerted your arms as you quickly figured out who it might be.

"Draco!" You gasped before even looking up to his face.

"Finally found you." Draco said as he pushed you off him.

You shook your head and brushed your robes as Draco crossed his arms looking a little irritated.

"You always go running off like a fucking hamster- hey, is that my sweater?" Draco said as he tugged on the bottom of your sweater lifting an eyebrow up at you.

"It was on the bathroom counter for grabs dickhead now tell me why you thought it was necessary to keep-

Draco closed your mouth shut with his hand as he looked up across from you to carefully hear. Chattering echoed around the hallways as first hour was about to start.

"Are we skipping?" Draco said quickly as you stared at him with a death stare.

Why does he always cover your mouth right when your about to say something important.

You nodded and Draco sighed.

"Let's go then stoner girl, before we get caught then." Draco said as he slid his hand off your mouth and gently tugged at your chin.

You gave Draco a face as he smirked back. You punched him in the shoulder as Draco ignored it and grabbed your hand.

You and Draco sprinted down the dark hallways, both of our robes flying in the air. You followed Draco swiftly as he made his way out a secret door that looked like a regular closet door.

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