The Potion Incident pt.4 (Continued)

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You ran quickly to the busy hall of wizards eating their dinner. You scan the Slytherin table to see Draco no where to be seen. You walk over to the Hufflepuff table to see Cedric waving at you putting down his cup of pumpkin juice.

You took a deep breath and sat next to him.

You really just wanted to find Draco. You were not in the mood for Cedric at the moment.

"Hey y/n you look adorable." Cedric put his arm around your shoulder as you grabbed a bread roll and fake smiled.

"Hey Cedric, have you happened to see Draco around here at all, it's kind of urgent?" You took a bite the bread as Cedric looked at you and thought a little.

" I haven't, you have something to say to him?" Cedric's eyebrows dropped as you took another bite of the bread roll.
"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah everything's fine. I just really need to talk to him." You looked down at the plate with a cup of pumpkin juice next to you and threw the bread roll on the plate.

"If Draco did something you didn't like- I swear I'll fight that kid and tell him to stay-

"No Cedric, Draco's fine. I'm fine. I just need to tell him something." You rolled your eyes and looked back up to the Slytherin table scanned for a platinum blonde head.

Cedric looks at me with concern as and slowly puts his arm off my shoulder.

"Well I've been meaning to ask you a question, y/n...."

You look back at Cedric as he plays with his finger nails nervously.

Uh no. Draco was right. He's going to ask me to date him. This is sooner as you've suspected. You panicked.

"Yes, Cedric?" You looked down nervously thinking of ways to reject Cedric's offer in the most respectability form.

You grabbed your cup of pumpkin juice about to take a sip of it.

Cedric looked up to you, and then looked past
you. He rolled his eyes then closed them.

"Give it a min y/n, Looks like Malfoy's coming your way." Cedric turned to face the table while picking up his pumpkin juice drink.

You took a huge sigh of relief as you saw platinum blonde hair walking towards you. The was about the first time you felt relieved that Draco was coming your way.

You took a sip of your drink as Draco locked eye contact with you.

"Y/n, spit that drink out of your mouth." Draco ran up to me as he stood up from you.

You stopped yourself from swallowing the pumpkin juice. You looked up at him in confusion.

Wasn't expecting for Draco to ever say something like that to me.

"Are you bloody mental Malfoy?" Cedric turned his body around the table to face Draco as he was still sitting down.

Draco ignored Cedric.

"Spit it out." Draco kneeled down to you as he looked in your eyes with panicked worry.

Cedric looked and watched you now as he rolled his tongue in his mouth.

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