The Potion Incident pt.3 (Uncovered)

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I have never once in my life heard Draco Malfoy fess up to something he was involved in. He has always, and I repeat ALWAYS, gotten out of a situation he made with his "father's words" or by just being a rich asshole that he can be.

But today, Draco made one in the books, he confessed. He fully, truthfully, confidently confessed in front of the entire class with me to Professor Snape. He didn't stutter once. He did it perfectly.

You barely had to say one word. You just stood there. Trying so, so, so hard not. to. laugh.

10 min before:

You and Draco were standing in front of Snape's desk. Your body was trying so hard not to tremble as Snape looked at us up and down about to question why we presented ourselves at the front of his desk.

Draco spoke.

"Professor Snape? Y/n and I would like a word with you." Draco stood with his shoulders high up as if he was being presented a medal for the most-sticks-up-his-butt award.

Your shoulders were slugged down and your knees were bent a little to prevent you from fainting. You looked absolutely ridiculous standing beside Draco.

Snape still piecing through are eyes, somehow both of us at the same time, took off his reading glasses and put his quill down.

"If this conversation acquires nothing BUT the information leading to the potion incident that I suggest you SIT. DOWN."

Students started to walk in the classroom to take their seats.

You quickly glanced over to see the golden trio and Luna and Brooke by the front of the class. Well, shit. This isn't going to go down too well.

Then you took a glance at Malfoy-who was probably thinking the same thing as you.

"Snape Sir, this IS about the potion incident." Draco corrected Snape as the class started to stare with open ears.

Snape lifted up an eyebrow.

"Is that so Mr. Malfoy." Snape clenched his teeth and pulled his hands on the edge on his desk.

Draco quickly nodded his head as the class started whispering to each other.

"But Sir I think it would be best if we continued this conversation in private-

"Did you break all my potions in my closet Mr. Draco Malfoy!" Snape stood up furiously and stood right in front of Malfoy causing you to take a step back, cooling your nerves.

The rest of the class was now all seated listening on the edge of their seats to watch Professor Snape absolutely destroy his class pet, Draco Malfoy.

"Answer my question Mr. Malfoy." Snape crossed his arms impatiently waiting for a response he has been waiting for about 2 days.

Draco slightly moved his head to see that you have now backed away beside him.

You couldn't let him take the fall on his own.

"I did Sir." You said confidently stepping back forward in guilt.

The whole class dropped their jaws as you, Y/N/L, confessed into breaking Snape's potions.

Snape quickly removed his eyes from Draco's and onto yours. He looked a little like this.

 He looked a little like this

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