Saturday Morning

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"...hey...wake up...."
Your eyes shot up as long freezing cold hands were pushing you back and forth like a little kid trying to wake up their parents for Christmas.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!!?" You head shot up as Draco smirked and backed away from you in caution.

"Ha, knew that would wake you up." Draco now a feet away from me crossing his arms.

"It's 7:00 by the way, do you wanna know what I just thought off y/n...." he walked over and sat on the end of your bed.

7:00? I don't need to be up until at least and hour, why did Draco wake up so early....on a Saturday morning...He still had his grey sweatpants on and bed hair like he just got up 5 min ago.

You sat up and leaned on the back of your bed frame.

"It better be morning sex?" You quietly groaned to yourself as you rolled you eyes and rubbing you face.

Draco looked at me with his mouth open.

You realized you said that out loud.

"Oh....I mean- what did you think off?" You said your face red looking up at the celling.

Draco smirked and crawled over beside you on the other side of the bed. He lifted up the covers and laid down on the pillow beside you.

"You cold y/n?" He said smirking at me getting situated under my covers.

"Actually not really, even though this room is freezing, I feel fine under the blankets....why'd you ask?"

Draco shrugged smirking, and then his eye's immediately followed down your chest looking at your hard nipples through your shirt.

You looked down and noticed that, that was what Draco was talking about and quickly pulled up the sheets covering your chest.

"OK MALFOY, LEAVE NOW." Your rolled your eyes as he cracked a laugh.

Who invited him to my bed? Right. No one did. You rolled your eyes and slid back down to lay on your pillow besides Draco. You are to tired to listen to Draco talk, or even to have him with you.

He turned his body towards you and smiled. You then turned you body towards him as you knees were touching under the blankets.

You were wearing the white top from last night but without the sweatpants, you preferred to sleep half naked then with layers of clothes on.

"What is it Draco" you yawned about to turn around.

Draco leaned on his back and signed.

"Our detention last night, we have them every night besides Saturday and Sunday." He put his hand on his face.

"And last night was Friday, Snape's going to kill us."

You had completely forgot about the detention as well, you were to busy with- well to busy spending time with Draco....half naked.

"Bloody shit Draco" you turned around and laid on your stomach as you buried your head into your pillow.

"Fuckkkk" you yelled in your pillow. Draco stayed put in your bed laying beside you.

"Yeah it's cool just take a second to worry about it." he said turning his side next to you and patting my back.

You sat back up and looked at Draco in anger.

"You little bloody cockroach this is YOUR fault!!" You pounced on top on Draco and tried to slap him on the face but Draco smiled and grabbed both of your hands resulting into you sitting on Draco's hips as he was laid down and his hands catching yours and holding them tight.

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