Green and Silver

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"I will further instruct you on your consequences in detention Mr. Malfoy and Miss Y/L." Snape said as you and Draco got up and left as well as the rest of the class.

You nodded at Snape and quickly bolted out of his classroom. You needed to be alone after that dreaded moment. Not to cry, or catch my laugh, because for some reason I found this very very funny. You found your entire day funny.

You ran as fast as you could out of the potion's class without looking back on any of your friends and ignoring Draco when he tried to say something to you. You ran down a stairwell and into a dark hallway to find somewhere to hide. I mean surely it can't be that hard to find a room or something, Hogwarts is 70% filed with empty and useless rooms, right?

You turned the corner to find a dark dusty door, it looks like no one touched that door for centuries. You walk up to the door to open it until a strong force pulls you behind almost taking you to the ground

"Y/n, what are you doing?!?"

As you almost stubble to the ground the force pulls you around and slams you hard against the wall.

"Why did you run away from me when I told you we needed to talk?" He was yelling in my face, his body pushing up against yours, holding up all your weight. He sounded aggressive, you looked up.

Your eyesight was blurry from the impact from the wall but all you could see was platinum blonde hair. Of course it would be Draco.

He look at you, like he was extremely mad at you for something, do you didn't care what he thought at the moment.

You put your head down and started laughing, uncontrollably. Then your body decided not to hold any of your weight anymore so you gave up on standing and started sliding down the wall. You watched as blurry Draco, with his confused body gestures as he was saying something to you, slowly starting to pick you up, bridal style.

Draco looked at you for a minute as your surroundings started to go back to normal and you could feel your body attach to your head once again. You could see Draco's face, he looked very worried, as he held you up close to him. You were still laughing.

You put your head back and took a sign of relief and stopped laughing. You looked back at Draco with teary eyes.

"You can put me down now Draco." You whispered softly, you really wanted to stay in his arms, but you needed to head for lunch to eat something, and talk to Potter and Gisby. You didn't have time for Draco.

Draco nodded shyly and put me down slowly. You brushed yourself off and cleaned up your appearance.

"So we're not gonna talk about what just happened there y/n? You are overwhelmed, you need to just relax once second." Draco held your hand as he gently talked.

Draco giving me advice? And it was actually good advice? Who the hell is this kid.

"Sorry Draco I don't have time to talk right now, I need to go to lunch." You smiled and turned your back on him and started to walk away.

Then we heard recognizable voices from a distance.

"Bloody hell why can I never have one moment with you alone." Draco, hearing the voices, rolled his eyes and grabbed you, covering your mouth, and grabbing the door to the dusty closet and pushed you in again.

"What the fuck, seriously Draco you need to stop pushing me in these kind of closets-

Draco covered your mouth with his hand as he held you tightly around your waist. pushing you to the front of his body. His body was leaning up against the door.

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