The Astronomy Tower pt.1

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You sat uncomfortably in Dumbledore's office.
"So how are you y/n" Dumbledore started going off.

"Uh-well..." You responded quickly waiting to get to the point where you get expelled from Hogwarts.

"How is your house, Ravenclaw? Are you doing well, making friendships I presume?"

What was he a fucking counselor?
You decided to be brutally honest. With everything that went on today, You didn't want to make a fool of yourself any longer.

"In full honestly Professor, I only have about two friends in Ravenclaw. They are very different from me. I spend most of my time studying to make my parents proud but I would rather not study during my free times." You leaned forward in my chair, you definitely just made a pathetic fool of yourself to the Headmaster.

Did you seriously just complain about how much you didn't like Ravenclaw?

"Ah I presumed so.." Dumbledore said while running through your files.

What the hell did he mean by that. Why did Dumbledore just agree to you that you weren't doing well in Ravenclaw?

"Uh sir? Do you mind asking me what you mean by you presumed so?" You questioned him, your voice shaking.

"Today miss y/n you didn't attend any of your 4 classes, except Potions-which you attended to 15 min later. Your grades in your classes have completely dropped a letter grade, leaving you with two As and two Cs, you were assigned several detentions these past severely months, you were in the Hospital wing for half of the day with blood on you're clothing, and lastly from gossip I heard that you have been in several physical fights with Draco Malfoy." Dumbledore stated while reading your report. He looked up at you again.

"That doesn't sound like a Ravenclaw to me, Miss Y/n." Dumbledore signed.
"I knew this wouldn't work out" he closed the file reports.

You didn't know what to say. This is not about the Potion mess at all.

"Wow that's crazy because a person I know said the exact same thing about not being a Rave-"

"Y/n there is something I need to hear." Dumbledore interrupted you.

You stopped speaking.

"Y/l your parents before you were sorted into your house, wanted me to put you in Ravenclaw. They didn't want you in any other houses besides Ravenclaw for your own safety. I strongly disagreed with this command from your parents but after long court conferences, Hogwarts agreed to sort you into Ravenclaw."

Your mouth shot open. You were speechless. Sweat began to drip down your forehead and your eyes started to water up.

"So you mean to say my parents sorted me for my own SAFETY." You stood up in anger.

"So I'm not a Ravenclaw?" You shouted pacing around his office not knowing what to do with yourself.

Dumbledore stood up from his chair.
"I knew eventually I was going to have to inform you sometime when you start to get older and grow from your parents" he said reassuring you.

You sat back down trying to calm yourself down.

"So what house am I in?" You said, confused, resting your head on your hands.

"That we don't know yet Miss y/n."

"I'm going to give you a choice, you can remain in Ravenclaw if you choose or tomorrow at our dinner fest the hat can resort you to your true house and you will permanently stay there." Dumbledore offered.

"I can give you some time to thin-

"Yes. I want to be restored." You said quickly nodding.

Dumbledore lifted up his eyebrow.
"Very well then Miss y/n if you chose so."

You nodded your head and stood up to leave. You couldn't be here, you needed to be alone.

"Before you go Miss y/l I encourage you to tell Snape what really happened last night with you and Mr. Malfoy."

You paused and then nodded and ran as fast as you could back into the cold dusty hallways of Hogwarts.

How the actual fuck did Dumbledore of all people figure out it was you and Draco. How the fuck does he just know these things.

You ran up to your dormitory and walked through everyone that was in the commons.

"Hey y/n what's the rush!" Brooke called out to you.

"Getting resorted into a different house tomorrow because my bloody parents are idiots Brooke." You shouted across the room, still angry about your parents.

The commons were silent. Whispers started going around.

Brooke ran out to be and grabbed your shoulder.
"Hey wait y/n, what are you talking about," Brooke began saying.

"Brooke, I'd really prefer not to talk until the morning but technically I never got rightfully sorted into a house." You stormed out of her way blocking you from the girl dormitory.

Brooke let you go and turned to watch you wipe tears down your cheek.

You ran by your bed and packed up all your shit into your suitcase with your wand. You laid out a Ravenclaw uniform on your bed and a dark navy blue silky night dress to sleep in. You quickly changed into the night dress and finished packing your things up. You were so ready to leave Ravenclaw.

You laid in your bed. Thinking about it more you never really liked Ravenclaw. Not that there was anything wrong with the house, you simply just didn't fit in as one.

You looked at the time 11:30pm. You spent your time angry at your parents silently cursing at them in your head and they ruined my Hogwarts experience. Because they wanted you to be SAFE? What in the actual hell is that supposed to help. You've been treated like an outsider for years now. Finally knowing the truth all made sense now. You couldn't trust your parents anymore. How could they do this to you?

You thought of Draco's kiss wondering what made him do that. And why you slightly enjoyed it. Was he even thinking when he put his lips on mine? He definitely was thinking. Draco wouldn't do something that spontaneous. You've always noticed that Draco has flirted with you now and then. You never thought he would take it this far. What if he likes you back. No. That's foolish. It is all part of his silly little games. He'll just fuck me over once again if I start to believe he gives a damn.

Your mind wandered off to Harry and his group. They seemed like they cared enough to want to become close friends with me, which was odd, considering they never really talked with you. They always get caught up in their own adventures, they act like they're the main characters or something smh.
Harry seemed very cute to you. He was so kind and thoughtful, I bet he made his whole group wait with him in the Hospital wing just for me.

Harry has something you would never even consider Draco Malfoy to have.


Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. This was a short one because I cut "The Astronomy Tower" into two parts because the second part was getting too long. I hope you like the plot of the story so far!! I have a lot of new ideas :)


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