Hickey's & Hot Chocolate

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You told Brooke everything starting at your parents letter, Harry comforting you, Draco, Draco finding the letter, and Cedric talking to you. It was nice not to think about your parents and your decision. Brooke replied with-

"Your parents are assholes, y/n. They don't deserve a daughter like you."

"No wonder Harry got so mad at you once he saw that green tie- well I was mad too but Harry seems to have a crush on you, he wouldn't shut up about you before you walked in the hall"

"I can't believe you and Draco are a thing now! I would've never imagined...so you sneaking off at midnight was actually you going to the astronomy tower with Draco!! Wow, I mean y/n as long as he makes you happy I guess. I don't think he does.... and don't worry I can hide your hickey's with some of my makeup"

"OMG CEDRIC THE HUFFLEPUFF PRINCE FLIRTED WITH YOU!!! that's so exciting...You should definitely go for him he is so dreamy....."

You walked in the Ravenclaw bathroom with Brooke.

"And that's about all that happened to me today, it was a stressful day let me tell you." You sat on the counter of the bathroom untying your green tie as Brooke started getting her makeup out.

"And now at dinner I will be placed in an entire new house....I am literally so nervous Brooke." You slouched back up on the wall and took a few deep breathes. Brooke walked closer to you and began to put makeup on your neck.

"My life is a living mess." You never thought your year would turn out this way and it's only fall.

"I'm sure everything will clear up y/n, you'll see, your already making so many new friends, I can tell this will be really good for you, and if you don't know where to go after this school year, don't even worry, I already wrote a letter asking if you could stay with me over the summer!" Brooke explained happily.

Your heart melted down, you smiled at Brooke giving her a big hug.

"Thank you so much for being here with me Brooke, I would have no idea what I would do without you."

Brooke smiled as she went back to help you hide your bruises along your neck.

"Some hickey's huh. Draco's really got it down...almost like he's like a signature shape to it....the shape kinda looks like a....curved...walrus...no like a..." she looked closer at your neck as she stopped applying makeup to your skin.

"I don't know Brooke- Cedric noticed them and said he could do better..." you looked down at her as eyes shot up

"Y/N!! Cedric said that!! To YOU!"

"Stop, stop don't get all icky Brooke he was probably kidding.....right?"

Brooke just shrugged and smiled back at you.

"I don't know y/n.....your gonna have to see."

"Alright that's about the best I can do for you." Brooke backed away examining your neck.

You jumped off the counter and looked in the mirror. You examined your neck, you could barely see the spots anymore, they were almost invisible.

"Bloody hell Brooke, how did you learn how to do this-I can't see a thing anymore." You turned around to Brooke and she just shrugged.

"I guess just practice" She said acting like it wasn't a big deal.

"Wait practice-what does that-

"Don't worry about it- C'mon let's just go to the Library, Harry asked me to send you down there."

You decided to shrug the whole thing off and garbed a spare Ravenclaw tie. As you go dressed up in your uniform, you walk out with Brooke to the Library.

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