Pancakes & Pumpkin Juice

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You walked into the great hall for breakfast. You glanced around at the Hufflepuff table to see Cedric looking more pretty as ever laughing with his Hufflepuff friends. You walk along the tables between the Gryffindor and Slytherin table. You glance at the Slytherin table to see Draco sitting with Blaise and Pansy.

You look back to the Gryffindor table trying to ignore the feeling of Draco starring at you. You tap Fred's shoulder as he turns around.

"Y/n! Come sit!" Fred scoots down so you can sit between him and George. You take a seat between the twins and face Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Hey guys" you said shyly as you waved at him.

"Hey y/n! Fred was just telling me about an escape plan to go to Hogsmeade today." Harry said.
"I also can't leave Hogwarts so we can go together."

You nodded as Fred explained the plan to you.

"Plans simple, you take a alternative route to another exit out of Hogwarts. Harry has an invisibility cloak so you it will be easier for you to sneak through. We gave Harry a map that will show all the people's whereabouts are. Think you can do it?" George nudged my shoulder

"Yeah doesn't sound to bad." You smiled at George then looked at Harry.

"Don't want you to miss your date know do you." Fred nudged my shoulder and plopped down a plate of pancakes for me.

"After breakfast I'll walk you to the Gryffindor commons so we can get going, sound good?" Harry said while stuffing his face with hash browns.

"Sounds excellent!" You smiled as you grabbed a fork and started eating the pancakes.

You were wearing skinny black jeans with a striped blue and light bronze long sleeve crew neck as a causal fit for your date with Cedric. The colors where for Ravenclaw, still have a full closet of Ravenclaw colors. You styled your hair into a messy bun and left a couple strands of hair along your face. You also sprayed the lavender chamomile perfume you threw in the closet a few days ago.

After talking/laughing with the golden trio and the twins for a while now you cleared your plate and stood up.

"I have to go talk to Cedric now, Harry I'll met you by the Gryffindor room." You stood up as all 5 of them said goodbye and you waved back as you made your way to the Hufflepuff table where Cedric sat.

Cedric saw you walking towards his view his face quickly lit up and quickly told one of his friends to move aside. You smiled and walked over to sit down by Cedric.

"Good morning y/n!" Cedric said cheerfully

"Good morning Cedric" you smiled as he admired your appearances.

"Do you want to walk to Hogsmeade together?" Cedric asked as he sipped down some pumpkin juice. He poured me a cup of pumpkin juice and gave it to me.

"Oh I can't walk with you today Cedric, I kind of got suspended from leaving the campus... but I found another way to leave Hogwarts, I can met up with you however!" You smiled as he face sank a little but then understood.

"No worries!! I'll met you there then!" He smiled back and introduced me to some of his friends. You glanced over at a group of Hufflepuff girls as they were whispering and each of them glancing over to you quickly.

You rolled your eyes and looked back at the Slytherin table accidentally making direct eye contact with Draco. He noticed you glancing at him and quickly lost eye contact. He looked sad.

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