Saturday Afternoon

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You felt a warm body sit beside you as you were a chapter deep in your book. You pause to look up at who sat beside you.

A warm smile with rosy cheeks looks at you as he interrupted your reading.

"Cedric!" You smiled and put down your book to give a warm hug. "It's so nice to see you" You said as you hugged him tight. You could hear a group of Hufflepuff's girls say your name from a couple table down pointing at you.

You released your hug from Cedric awkwardly after hearing the girls from the Hufflepuff table. You cleared your throat and looked down.

"Don't worry about them Y/n, their just a little jealous." Cedric put his hand on my knee gently. "Do you want to go on a walk with me?" Cedric said his face lit up with energy.

I smiled and stood up.

"Of course Cedric. I'd love to!" I grabbed my robe while Cedric stood up with me.

"Great! C'mon then!" He grabbed my hand softly and walked me to the exit of the great hall. You blushed a little as Cedric proudly held your hand while you walked out together towards the outside of Hogwarts.

You saw some people stare at you and Cedric weirdly and as some people even whispered to each other and pointed. You tried to ignore all the reactions and kept your eyes on Cedric.

You were alone with Cedric now walking towards the Black Lake while the late morning fog was clearing up and the birds were busily chirping. He was still holding your hand gently and rubbing his thumb on mine.

"So your a Slytherin now y/n" Cedric began talking.
"How's that for you so far?"

"It's great so far, was talking to Blaise before you got here and there's this really cool girl named Alissa..." you stood close to Cedric for warmth as he was listening to you speak.

"Oh that's wonderful, I know Alissa in fact...we used to be close friends in our 1st and 2nd years." Cedric walked you up to one of the trees by the lake. It was the same tree were Cedric and I first talked.

Cedric released his hand form yours and sat down next to the trunk of the tree facing the lake. You giggled and sat down close beside him.

"Same spot were I had a breakdown in front of you" you reminded Cedric while smirking.

"Yes, y/n, you have a good taste where to have breakdowns, it's very peaceful out here." He smiled and looked at you.
He lifted up his arm and wrapped it around you shoulder scooting you closer to him as you laid your head on his shoulder.

"Very peaceful" you said as you snuggled on his shoulder.

"How's your dorm room? Did you get a good nights sleep?" Cedric began to ask questions again.

"Yes I love my new dorm room, in fact Alissa had to give me a bigger room because there wasn't enough rooms in the girls dorms. I get a full bathroom to myself with no roommates!" I said cheerfully while Cedric admired my happiness.

"That's perfect! C'mon y/n there has to be a catch, right? A whole room to yourself?"

You lifted your head up and leaned it against the tree. You signed.

"Well, I do have to share a bathroom with someone else, there room also connects to the other end of the bathroom...."

"Oh that's it? That isn't even that bad of a catch, who's the other girl that lives in the other dorm?" Cedric looked down at me while I opened my mouth to say words.

I closed my mouth again.

"More like who's the other guy." I looked down at my hands while holding them together.

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