Conclusion of The Potion Incident

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Next Friday. (10 days after Brooke's truth)

1 min before second hour: Potion class.

"Run faster Draco! We can't afford another tardy!!" You yelled behind Draco as Draco flipped you off and started to sprint faster.

"This goes harder then a bloody Quidditch practice on a Monday!!" Draco complained.

You rolled your eyes and turned around to see a group of Hufflepuff boys in the middle of the hallway looking your way.

"Move you bloody cockroaches!" You yelled as you pushed the boys out of your way. Draco smiled behind you like a proud dad.

"That's my girl." Draco smiled at the Hufflepuff boys as they stumbled back and watched you run out of their way.

You looked at your watch that Draco gave you last weekend at the Hogsmeade. 30 seconds remaining. You looked back up to the hallway to see the potions class at the very end.

"Shit, Draco we got to move!! Where not going to make it!" You said giving all your energy into your legs as your ran faster giving everything you got. Snape blabbered something about more detentions if you and Draco were late to class one more time. Detentions with Snape absolutely suck. You think it would be fun with Draco. But it isn't. You can't talk and you and Draco are in opposite directions of Snape's classroom. It sucks and a complete waste of time.

You stumbled as you dropped your History of Magic book on the floor. "Fuck!!" You yelled as you stopped to try to collect it.

"No bloody time y/n, leave it!!" Draco grabbed your shoulder and pushed you back to running.

You and Draco stumble through the doors of the potions class not even knowing if your on time. You stumble to your seat as your legs give out and feel like bouncy jello.

The entire class looks at you and Draco take a seat as you wheeze for air and lean back on your seat.

"Harry!! *wheezes* the bloody time!!" You gasp as you close your eyes in exhaustion. You slide of your seat and lay your back on the bottom of the table to stretch your legs.

Draco slides his seat completely back on his seat hitting the front of Ron's table. Ron leaned back and watched Harry calculate the time.

The whole class edges on there seat as Harry looks up to you and starts to speak.

"Looks like you made it 0.04 seconds today." Harry sighs as you as you reach your arms out in success.

The whole class cheers and start clapping there hands as you completely lay on the floor with your eyes closed, feeling like you ran a 24-hour marathon. But you succeeded. You succeed your 24-hour marathon and people were clapping for you.

"That's a new high record!!" Hermione shouted in amazement. She walked over to your body on the ground and handed you a cold mug of water like she does every time you enter Snape's classroom out of breath. Without opening your eyes you lift you hand up to take the mug in exhaustion.

"Thank you so much Hermione." You said as you put the mug down on the floor.

"Bloody insane!!" Ron yells as he goes up to high-five Draco. Draco looks at him weirdly as Ron awkwardly puts down his hand and leans back to his seat.

"I don't even know how you do it y/n, every new high record never fails to surprise me." You opened you eyes to see Brooke standing right beside your head. She reached her hand out so you could grab hers.

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