Sweater Weather

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INFO// I updated the chapter "Saturday Evening" on 10/9 to change it a little bc I didn't like it. So if you haven't read the new version pls go back one chapter and read before you move on with this chapter :) enjoy!

You open your eyes up as your body shivers up to the cold air in the Slytherin dorms. Goosebumps all over your body you turn to the side to see Draco, with all the fluffy blankets, rolled up around him.
You could tell it was still dark outside, no one was up. The candle was still burning, it was down to the very bottom on the jar.
You scanned Draco's face as he was all warm and cozy in his blankets. He looked peaceful and...happy. What a weird word to describe Draco.

You slowly sat up on his bed and carefully stood up, your bare feet hit the cold stone floor as more shivers ran down your body. You still weren't used to how cold the Slytherin dorms could be. You grabbed your candle that was sitting on Draco's nightstand to guide some light in your direction. You quietly walked to Draco's closet and grabbed the closest sweatshirt you could find.

You grabbed a big green sweatshirt and slid it through your arms and walked over to his desk. The spare key was laying on the desk along with a journal, letters and a couple 0f textbooks. You ran your fingers along the leather textbook, wanting to open it, but you thought it would be best to say out of Draco's privacy. You paused and lifted open the journal cover carefully to reveal the first page. It was blank. You ran your fingers through the second and third page. Blank. You lifted the book off the desk and flipped through all the pages. They were all bank. You put the journal back down and shrugged. Must've got a new journal then.

You grab the spare key that unlocks to your room.

Then you walked over the the door that led to the bathroom and walked in. You placed the candle on the counter to discover a pale face with very bad bed hair in the mirror. Gross. It was you looking in the mirror. You looked at your neck to discover dark bruises all over your neck. I can't be able to cover all of these. My makeup isn't good enough for that. You rubbed your eyes and groaned as went into your bedroom holding the candle and Draco's spare key.

You tucked the key under the mattress of the bed and sat the candle down on your nightstand.

You put on Draco's oversized crew neck sweater . It was dark forest green with a little Slytherin patch on the right upper corner. Wow, didn't know Draco had drip. This was clean. You threw on light grey baggy sweatpants to complete the look. You brushed back your hair into a low bun and put on your slippers. You tucked your wand in the side of your pants.

You creaked the door open to your dorm room leading out to the hallway in the Slytherin commons. You tip-toed to the commons, to see what the time was.
Great barley the crack of dawn and I got up to early. You stood in the cold common room starring at time of day while blanking out.

You wondered what you were going to have to say to Cedric at breakfast today. That you couldn't make it to Hogsmeade? You might've accidentally got with Draco when you said you wouldn't the other day right after you asked me on a date? You snapped out of your standing position and sat on the cold leather couch. You rubbed you eyes thinking how much you fucked up with Draco the other night.

There was only one person in mind that could help you with your hickeys problem. Brooke. You could definitely sneak into the Ravenclaw commons this earlier in the morning. Plus you really missed Brooke and wanted to tell her everything.

You walked up to the Slytherin entrance to try to quietly open the door.

You took out your wand to light the way in the dark and scary hallways. Your footsteps echoed in the hallways of the castle and you could hear your own heartbeat due to how quiet it was.

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