Saturday Evening

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INFO// I altered this chapter bc I realized I didn't like it so if u read this chapter before I updated it pls read again bc it's different!!! I won't usually do this but I had to w/ this chapter, so sorry! <3

You and Draco walk in the hallways of Hogwarts not saying one word to him. Draco nudges at your shoulder to get me to look at him but you ignore him. You can't have him as a distraction anymore. Cedric is your new distraction. You and Draco turn to Snape's door to his office.

"Ok, y/n what's your bloody problem?" Draco stood in front of me as I was going to open the door to Snape's office. His arms were crossed and he gave you a angered looked with his eyebrows lowered and his lips were pressed together.

"Nothing. Can we just get this over with?" You said to Draco as you were still starring at the door which was behind Draco now.

Draco lowered his shoulders and walked away from the door.

"Fine but were not done talking." Draco now stood behind me waiting for me to open the door so Snape would yell at us.

"No. We are not talking." You rolled your eyes still looking at the door and before Draco could open his mouth you opened the door and walked in.

Snape looked up directly as he heard the door open to his office.

"Ah yes, Miss y/l and Malfoy I was expecting a show up from you too." Snape put down his quill while the both of you awkwardly stood in front of Snape's desk.

"Hope you can explain why you two didn't bother to attend your detentions last evening?"

You opened your mouth to start giving out excuses but Malfoy spoke before you had the chance.

Why does he always have to do that?

"Sir, Miss Y/n was replaced in a house last evening, I helped her get situated and conformable in her new house." Draco looked at me and smirked. You rolled your eyes and blushed.

"Sir. Surely the comfort and safety is more important then disciple at Hogwarts? Like for goodness sakes, she had to move in a entirely new house with extremely different people, it was MY job to make sure she felt comfortable at her new home, wouldn't you?" Draco gave Snape a shiny smiling, while I was looking at the floor trying not to punch Malfoy in the fucking face. Why'd he have to put it like that?

Snape was giving Malfoy a cold hard stare of disappointment. It's not like he witnessed the two of us sucking each others faces off in the hallways last night. This is just flat out embarrassing. Snape walked closer up to Malfoy as he gulped slowly.

"I will let Miss y/l pass due to her rearrangement from Ravenclaw to Slytherin." He frowned. "But making Miss y/l feel "at home" doesn't cut it." Draco's shoulders sank.

"You are suspended from the Quidditch game tomorrow, next time you are even close to 2 minute's late you might as well turn in your jersey and broom." Snape turned around to sit back down behind his desk.

Draco now with his mouth opened in anger, he looked down at his feet. I felt bad for him, he's been working real hard for the game this Sunday. For some reason I wanted to help Draco.

"Sir, I don't think that's entirely fair." You lifted your head and spoke up.

Snape lifted an eyebrow.

"Not everything is fair Miss y/l-

"Without Draco, I wouldn't have been fully moved in my new house. He was the only one that actual helped me, surely we can just forget about the two of us forgetting our detention and move on? I don't think suspending his game time with effect his attitude towards you Professor Snape," I looked over and smirked. "Or his father will certainly hear about this."

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