Draco's Journal

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The bath water was feeling cold now. You opened your eyes as you contemplated getting out. You just wanted to go to sleep, you had a big day. You were exhausted.

You looked to the counter of the bathroom to see zero towels folded up. You rolled your eyes and sat up from your laying position.

I hope Draco's in his room right now because I'm sure as hell I'm not about to walk out in the freezing cold dorms butt-ass naked.

"Draco!!" You shouted as he waited for noise in his room.
You heard footsteps walking closer as the door knob tilted.

You slid back down covering your body with the bath bubbles.

"What's wrong?"

Draco swung the door open thinking you were standing by the counter to the mirror. He quickly moved his eyes down to the bath.

"Whoah!" Draco did a full 180 as he turned from you to the door so he couldn't see me.

You were surprised by this. Draco respecting your space. That was new.

It wasn't like he has never seen my body before though.

"You know Draco when I called you, I didn't mean you could just barge in. I just wanted to ask you for a towel." You rested your arms at the side of the giant bath and rested your chin on your arms. Draco slowly turned around back to you.

"I'll get you a towel then." He ran to his room and came back with two big towels, one dark green and the other black. He walked up to me as he kneeled down and placed the towels beside the bath.

Draco looked up from the towels, eye level to you now, as he starred into your eyes.

"Draco?" You said softly.

Draco snapped out of his starring with a slight smile.


"You can get out now" you smirked looking at him up and down in his school uniform as Draco quickly nodded.

"Oh yeah- sorry- I'll go" he quickly got up and turned to the door. As he put his hands on the side of the door he stopped for a second and turned around shyly.

"Do you need me to get some uh- clean clothes for you...so you..don't have to walk out of the bathroom?"

You looked at him like he got hit in the head with a brick. Draco was being so sweet to you.

"Yeah that would be great" you smiled as he nodded and went into your room to grab you some clothes.

You got out of the bath and wrapped the dark green towel around your body and the black towel tied up on your head. You drained the bath water.

Draco came back in with a matching set of underwear, your favorite black sweatpants and a light grey crewneck sweatshirt. He placed it on the counter for you.

"Thank you Draco." You smiled as Draco put his hand off of your clothes and turned to you.

"How'd you now those were my favorite sweatpants?"

"I don't know I just guessed." Draco shrugged and walked towards his door.

"Need anything else?" He grabbed his side of the door while leaning on the side of it.

"No, this is just fine." You smiled again as Draco grinned happily and walked out to the bathroom gently closing his door.

You looked at the mirror in confusion as Draco just...was...what the hell was he even doing??

You dried yourself and put on your clothes. You then dried out your hair styling it into a low bun.

You walked into your bedroom and put on your slippers. Your white converse were caked in mud from the date you went on with Cedric. They were absolutely ruined.

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