Say Please for Me

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As you finish up un-packing your clothes and other items such as your lavender chamomile perfume, your favorite cinnamon fall candle, and a small polaroid picture of you and Brooke posing for the camera (Brooke made you take the picture for my absence for being with her). You signed and took off your Ravenclaw sweater and untied you blue and bronze tie. You threw the clothes into your bag. Wow I won't ever be wearing those colors again.

You took of your grey skirt and unclipped your bra only leaving you the white collar shirt buttoned down only a few buttons, the long socks, and just your underwear. You signed as you laid down, on your stomach, on the end of your soft bed and picked up the picture of you and Brooke.

You heard a door close and a few rustling sounds in the room next to you. It must've been Draco. You decided to keep quiet and let him figure the rest out.

Then you heard the bathroom door open on his side of the bathroom. You still kept quiet no wanting to make a sound. You heard some clothes drop to the ground. What was he doing in there? You wanted to stand up to peek into the bathroom but you decided to lay put.

"What the bloody- why is the trap room door open, I swear the bloody urges people have these days-" Draco started walking to the door to close it.

That is when you realized you were just chilling in basically only underwear. And Draco was about to peak into the room.

"Wait! Draco, No!....I'm changing!" I yelled thinking that he'd stay back.

What was I even thinking. That only wanted Draco see me more.

"Wait, y/n?..." Draco whipped out of the corner of the door as you laid there in disappointment that he came to you so fast.

Draco was only wearing light grey sweatpants, with no shirt on. His toned abs were basically looking at you while he stood there examining you as well. He leaned on the side of the door with his head leaned to the side, smiling, and with his hand still holing the edge of the door.

"See what you like?" Draco finally said while looking at you as you were facing him while you laid down on the bed with your ass practically out.

You snapped out of your starring and forgot that you weren't wearing like any clothes.

"Draco!! TURN AROUND!!" You rolled over to your back and covered your face with your hands in embarrassment.

Draco didn't turn around in fact he just walked closer to me. He leaned on the side of the bed with his arms on the bed.

I lifted my head up and sat in-between his hands as he stood back up again. I put my head down only looking at his abs and the noticeable bulge in his sweatpants.

"Y/n?" Draco said softly.

You looked back up at Draco's face smirking.

"Can you tell me why you are in the trap room with half of your clothes on?" Draco asked aggressively putting his hand on my chin and lifting it up.

"This is my room now Draco, Alissa said there wasn't enough girl dorms." I said nervously.

Draco's face turned into a smirk.

"Is that so..." Draco lifted an eyebrow and took one step closer to you. "Good."

"Yes Draco, and if you don't mind, I would like some privacy in my OWN room, I'm also going to take a shower soon so if you don't mind-

"Just shut the hell up-" Draco rolled his eyes and grabbed the side of your face.

Draco leans in and crashes his lips onto yours as he climbs up onto your bed on top on you. You grab the back of Draco head and pull him closer as he starts kissing you harder. Draco grabs your hand and pushes it above your head on the soft silkily bed covers. His lips follow down to your neck as you breathe heavily from the release of the kiss.

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