Part 26

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*Five years later*

Years after Elizabeth had passed Christopher and I were walking in the graveyard that all of the fallen soldiers had been buried in. It was Elizabeth's birthday and we were going to visit her tombstone. I held bouquet honey suckles in my hand as we walked, the breeze slightly blowing my skirt.

That day it was sunny and the sky was clear, the atmosphere was quiet, and the graveyard was empty other then Christopher, I, and Elizabeth's soul that followed us where ever we went. Over the years I had learned to cope with Elizabeth being gone and by a few years I was able to think about her without getting sad, I could remember the good times and not think about the bad. I focused on how she lived her life not how it ended. As Christopher and I walked my dog Charlie, a golden retriever that I got shortly after Elizabeth's death to keep me company, Charlie walk behind us his tail wagging and his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

Christopher was holding a beautiful pink rose, that he would leave for her with my honeysuckles. He brought the rose to his nose and smelt it. We walked a little farther and the stopped after seeing her name engraved in a stone. Christopher stopped and set the rose gently where she lay, and then walked away and took Charlie with him, leaving me behind at Elizabeth's grave.

I lied on the ground next to her grave. "I named him Charlie after him because you loved him and I know you would've loved my dog." I said hoping she was listening and looking down upon me. "You loved animals more then people, as a child you said when you grew up that you would live in the woods caring for all the wild animals." I spoke up to sky. 

It was safe to say that no one really won the war. It was over because Germany surrendered and all the nations agreed to stop fighting, but the important thing was that the soldiers were back safe at home to their families, away from all the war. 

"I love you Elizabeth." I said. "I always will." I told to the heavens above. "Happy Birthday, my darling."

As I lie there my head pressed against the dry grass, Christopher walked searching for a grave of someone who he had once known. Out of the hundreds of tombstones in the graveyard it was all most impossible to find the one you were looking for, especially if no one had no had no record or information about the person it had belonged to. Christopher was tired and thirsty and so was Charlie, who stood with his tongue flapping out to catch his breath. 

"No luck yet buddy." Christopher told Charlie and sank down to his knees to stroke his soft golden fur. 

Christopher turned to leave, when he noticed the sound of rustling footsteps moving across the ground. He listened as the footsteps continued but after a short moment the footsteps stopped. Christopher looked right in the direction where the footsteps had stopped, and Vincent DeRose stood just about ten feet away from him. Vincent's face was automatically recognized by Christopher, Vincent had sharp check bones, naturally bold eye brows, and brown eyes that Christopher thought were extremely beautiful.

Vincent didn't seem surprised by the fact that Christopher now only had one arm because he was probably to happy to see him to care, or maybe because it was normal after the war to see people with lost limps and arms because war was very dangerous and traumatic, or maybe it had been both.

Vincent placed both of his hands on the sides of Christopher's face, and said "It's you." He was smiling and he was even crying a bit.

"It's me." Christopher said a tear of joy fell from his right eye. After all that time searching and searching for Vincent, here he was right infront of him.

 Vincent held Christopher's face and kissed him passionately before Christopher could say anything else. When Vincent pulled away Christopher grabbed his hand and rubbed it softly with his thumb. Noticing what was upon Vincent's wrist, he brought it to his lips and kissed his battle scars, that been made by a once broken solider who had healed like the scars would soon do also. 

"Tell him I said 'Hey'." I told her getting off of the ground. I rubbed my finger across the letter engraved into the stone, that spelled Elizabeth Taylor. Under her name it read 'Wife, Sister, Daughter, Friend."

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