Part 19

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"I have something to tell you." She had said.

"What is it?" I said. I was afraid to take on the bad news because deep down I knew where this was heading. I knew what Elizabeth was trying to tell me.

She looked at me and tears formed in her eyes. "I'm leaving." She said. I had been dreading those for months ever since Elizabeth brought the paper up to her room.

"W-what where are you going?" I asked tho I knew what she meant. I knew where she was leaving to, but I could wrap my head around the reasoning to why she would choose to go to a place so horrible and dangerous.

She reached into her bag that she'd been keeping behind her chair the entire the entire meal. She pulled something out and a slide it across the table to me. "I'm going there." She pointed to the picture of soldiers in black in white holding guns surrounding each other. I knew she was going to leave at some point but I didn't want to except it.

Tears ran down my face as I thought about the possibility that I might lose her. I was remembering the horrible stories that Christopher told us and the horrible letters that Charles had sent just weeks before he passed. Charles starting sending letters when he got sent away, he would send one letter at least once a week ago first, and then the time between letter kept getting longer and longer as time went by, and then the letters just stopped showing up. That's how we knew that he was gone and then weeks later after the letters stoped a solider came to our door and told us Charles was gone. 

I didn't want Elizabeth to end up dead like Charles and I didn't want her to end up like Christopher who had been left with tons of war trauma and one less arm. "No." I said because it was all that I could say right now. I didn't want Elizabeth to leave. I didn't want her to disappear. I didn't want to be alone again. When I met her I had nothing, and I was afraid that it would go back to the way I was when I was young. 

"I have to Helen." She said. 

I shook my head. "No. No. You don't have to. You could just stay here with me. Stay here and love me." I said because I wanted her to stay. I didn't want her to leave me behind.  

"Yes. I have to Helen. I have to make a difference. I have finish what Charles started. He went out there to make a difference and so will I." She was crying hard and she was holding my hand.

I was crying hard know and I couldn't stop. I tried to push them back inside, but it was just to much to bear. "Stay here with me. I don't wanna be alone." I say through tears. I was so afraid that if she left she wouldn't come back.

She got up from her chair and got her knees in front of me. "You won't be alone." She said. "Because I'll be right here." She touched her hand to my heart.

I was still balling and my sight was getting blurry. Elizabeth came behind me and wrapped her arms around me. Her touch comforted me and I never wanted her to let go, but I knew she was going to have to. "Please don't leave. I love you." I said. The thought of something happening to her made me sick to my stomach. The thought of not waking up to her everyday made me hurt inside. 

"I'm going to be okay. You'll be okay." She said and held on to me tighter. "You'll never know how much I love you." 

We heard the door open and Christopher stepped inside. Like me Christopher expected it and when he saw the paper on the table, and us crying he had an idea of what might be going on. He walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her. It was hard to believe that after all those stories Christopher had shared with us Elizabeth still planed to leave. I knew that she would be criticized by cowardly men who were to afraid to fight themselves and they would hate on her because she was a women who was doing a mans work, and she would be told that she was weak and unqualified.

It was horrid men like that who cared more about who should and should not be doing the work then ever cared enough about our world to show everyone how it should be done. Those men didn't care about what happened in the war they only cared about women staying in 'our place' and controlling their wives like they are bought property. One thing I knew was that Elizabeth was stronger then any of those men will ever be.

I was afraid Elizabeth would get hurt. I was afraid she was gonna die. 

I hope that you liked this chapter. Please tell me your thoughts in the comments and vote xxx 😘

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