Part 13

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Everyday Christopher was getting a little more tolerable. I was beginning to enjoy his company a little bit at a time, but I wasn't there yet. Since he was in the habit of cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the three of us he was always cooking, and I'd began to miss Elizabeth's famous cooking. 

I woke up early one morning in the late month of May, and realized that Christopher wasn't in the house. The day before that Christopher stated that we were in need of a jug of milk, and I assumed that were he had been. Elizabeth's room was clean as always, and over on the her side table was the newspaper where we'd read about how they needed female soldiers in the war. She was sleeping on her side on top of the quilt.

I crawled into the bed beside her and wrapped my arm around her. I kissed her softly on her cheek which woke her up. "What about Christopher?" She said letting out a soft yawn. 

"He went to go get a jug of milk. We're out." I said, then lied my head on her chest.

She nodded, and wrapped her arm around me. For awhile we just laid there motionless in the moment. Then we started kissing, and as I kissed her I ran my fingers through her hair, and she held my face with both of her hands. The kisses were soft against my lips, and her hands were warm. We kissed for a few more moments, but then we heard the front door open, and we broke away from each other. Before I began to walk to the door to leave, I got on my knees and kissed her just below her jaw line. 

I got up off of my knees and began to walk out the door way. "Helen, wait." She called out to me.

I turned to face her. She was glowing and beautiful even though it was only half past five, and her fiery ginger hair was to her side on her shoulder. She wore a blue sleeping gown that I knew to be mine, tho she looked prettier then I had ever looked in it. Elizabeth was far more curvy then I was, she had a much fuller chest and gorgeous wide hips. She always got insecure when she looked at her stomach in the mirror, she didn't like her stomach lines, but I did. I loved everything about her. "What is it, love?" I said. 

She walked toward me and pulled me in to her arms. When she let me go she plated a kiss on my forehead "I love you so much." She said. 

"I love you more then the entire English language could ever allow me to describe." I said, and it was true no matter how hard I tried I couldn't explain my undying love for Elizabeth Marie Taylor. 

Elizabeth giggled and began to blush a little. It made me happy that I had the power to make her blush. We went back down the stair case to find our poor friend Christopher curled into a ball on, holding his head between his knees, and muttering to himself. It was a sight that no one would ever wish to see.

"Christopher! Christopher! What's the matter?" Elizabeth  said placing her hand on his back. He was shaking uncontrollably. "Christopher?" She looked back at me with fear in her eyes.

He turned to us, and continued to mutter. "T—the War. This God forsaken war! Thank me home. Let me go home. T—take me home to my mother. I don't wanna die!" He started mutter louder, words that we couldn't understand. 

"Christopher!" Elizabeth yelled out hoping that he would hear her and stop, but he didn't stop.

I rushed to the door, and Elizabeth stopped me. "Where are you going!?" She said. Tears were running down her face. She was confused and she was scared. She continued to comfort Christopher by placing her arms around him but he just kept muttering and shaking. 

"To the infirmary. To see if anyone there can help him." I said 

"Hurry!" She cried.

I nodded proceeded to run out the door, and to the hospital as fast as my legs could carry me.

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